高秀荣 孙丽君 吉宗珊 李爽 王春梅.不稳定型心绞痛心率变异性特点及美托洛尔对其的影响[J].,2016,16(26):5113-5116
Characteristics of Heart Rate Variability in Unstable Angina Pectoris andEffects of Metoprolol on Heart Rate Variability
中文关键词: 心率变异性  不稳定型心绞痛  美托洛尔
英文关键词: Heart rate variability  Unstable angina pectoris  Metoprolol
高秀荣 孙丽君 吉宗珊 李爽 王春梅 哈尔滨市第一医院干部三病房北京安贞医院急诊科 
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      目的:了解心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)在不稳定型心绞痛(unstable angina pectoris,UAP)发病中的作用及其用于病 情严重程度判断的价值;了解美托洛尔对UAP 患者HRV 的影响。方法:选择年龄、性别相匹配的UAP患者、SAP 患者和健康人 各60 例做动态心电图检查,经Holter 软件分析进行HRV 时域指标的比较。UAP 组动态心电图检查后加用美托洛尔25-50 mg/d (分两次口服),20 天后重复动态心电图检查。结果:①UAP 组与正常组比较各项指标均降低(P<0.01)。②正常人HRV具有昼夜节 律变化的特点,UAP 组HRV 昼夜节律变化性降低。③UAP 病人服用美托洛尔后,心肌缺血、心律失常得到改善。结论:1. UAP 患 者心脏自主神经活性主要是副交感神经活性受损,交感神经活性相对占优势。2. 无合并症的UAP 病人HRV呈昼夜节律性降低。 3.美托洛尔可改善UAP 患者HRV。
      Objective:To understand the function of heart rate variability (HRV) in unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and the value of seriousness judgement. To understand the effects Of β-blocker on heart rate variability.Methods:Select 60 unstable angina patients, 60 stable angina patients, 60 healthy subjects, whose age and sex are fit, to make the dynamic electrocardiogram check. Through Holter software analyzed, make the comparison of heart rate variability time scope index. In the group of unstable angina pectoris, after the dynamic electrocardiogram check, add to take Metoprolol 25-50 mg/d (divide into twice to ake), after 20 days make the dynamic electrocardiogram check again.Results:All index of HRV decreased in patients with UAP compared with healthy people (P<0.01). The HRV in normal people has circadian rhythm changes and one in patients with UAP had circadian rhythm decreasing changes, but decreased. The myocardial ischemia and arrhythmia was improved after the patients with UAP took the Metoprolol.Conclusion:Heart independence nerve activity of unstable angina pectoris patients is primarily parasympathetic nerve activity to be broken, so sympathetic nervs is relatively advantaged. Patients with UAP that had no complication have the circadian rhythm decreasing changes. The Metoprolol may improve the HRV in the patients with the UAP.
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