徐玉乔 郑琪 马世荣 张丰 叶菁 李青.病理学专业学位研究生临床与科研能力培养模式初探[J].,2016,16(28):5579-5582
Investigation into Training Programfor Graduates of Diagnostic Pathologist:Skills for Improving Clinical and Scientific Abilities
中文关键词: 诊断病理学  专业学位研究生  病理诊断  科研能力  培养模式
英文关键词: Clinical pathology  Graduates  Pathological Diagnosis  Scientific research  Training program
徐玉乔 郑琪 马世荣 张丰 叶菁 李青 第四军医大学基础部病理学教研室/西京医院病理科西安交通大学医学院附属陕西省肿瘤医院内一科 
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      病理学是研究疾病的发病、病变机理及在疾病发展过程中各组织器官形态特征与功能变化的一门学科,被称作是联系基础 与临床的桥梁和纽带。据统计我国现阶段临床病理医生的需求量很大,而高水平临床病理诊断医师尤为欠缺。近年来,病理学专 业学位研究生的培养应运而生,旨在为国家培养高质量的病理学人才。然而由于我国传统的病理学研究生的培养仍存在种种弊 端,毕业的研究生难以获得临床与科研二者综合能力的提升,因而限制了其自身在病理学事业方面的发展。本文依据我科室专业 学位研究生的培养经验,探讨病理学专业学位研究生的培养模式以及如何培养高层次病理学人才,促进其科学研究与外科病理 诊断的有机结合,为推动我国病理学事业的蓬勃发展打好坚实基础。
      Pathology is kind of fundamental discipline to investigate the pathogenesis and mechanism of the disease and to study the morphological features of pathological tissues or organs, which is often considered a bridge linking basic and clinical medicine. According to the statistics, there is great demand of diagnostic pathologists in China. However, traditional training program for pathological graduates had many problems. So in recent years, the training of graduates of clinical diagnostic pathologist was brought into being. How to establish advanced and good training program and how to cultivate high quality of graduates for pathological graduates is of great significance to improve the development of pathology of our country. Here in this article, based on the experience of our department,we discussed the ideal cultivating methods and skills for training plans. And a series of workable plans would be helpful to promote the development of diagnostic pathology and pathological research in China.
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