何毅军 陈若 毛文君△ 郑明峰 陈静瑜 陆荣国 叶书高 刘峰.完全性Kartagener 综合征2 例外科治疗及疗效评价[J].,2016,16(31):6060-6064
完全性Kartagener 综合征2 例外科治疗及疗效评价
Surgical Therapy for 2 Cases of Complete Kartagener Syndrome and Effect Evaluation
中文关键词: Kartagener综合征  外科治疗  肺移植  肺叶切除术  预后
英文关键词: Kartagener syndrome  Surgical therapy  Lung transplantation  Lobectomy  Prognosis
何毅军 陈若 毛文君△ 郑明峰 陈静瑜 陆荣国 叶书高 刘峰 南京医科大学附属无锡市人民医院胸外科、江苏省人体器官移植重点实验室 
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      目的:探讨Kartagener综合征的外科治疗及评价疗效。方法:回顾性分析2013 年1月至2015 年12月我院收治的Kartagener 综合征的临床资料,2例患者年龄分别为27 岁、20 岁。1 例为完全性Kartagener 综合征,接受胸腔镜下左中下肺叶+左上肺前段 部分切除术,另1 例为终末期Kartagener综合征,预计生存期不足两年,进行了双肺移植术。结果:两例手术均成功完成,例1术后 康复出院,生活质量良好,肺功能得到改善,无咳嗽、咳痰;例2 双肺移植手术顺利,术后加强抗感染处理,康复出院,随访23 月, 生活质量良好。结论:内科难治性的Kartagener 综合征,肺部支气管扩张病灶局限,可行手术切除,效果较好,终末期患者可行双肺 移植术,术后能获得长期生存。
      Objective:To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of surgical therapy for Kartagener syndrome.Methods:Clinical data of two patients with Kartagener syndrome in our hospital was retrospectively reviewed from January, 2013 to December 2015. Patient 1 was female and was 27 years old, she received video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for her complete Kartagener syndrome, with left lower lobectomy and resection of the front part of left upper lung. The other one aged 20 was male, with anticipated survival time of less than 2 years, receiving bilateral lung transplantation.Results:Surgical therapies for the two patients were done successfully. Patient 1 was discharged from hospital with full recovery, she lived a good quality of life with good pulmonary function, with no signs of cough and expectoration. Patient 2 received lung transplantation successfully, with postoperative enhanced anti-infective therapy, and discharged from hospital. During follow-up period, he lived well 23 months after transplant.Conclusion:Surgical resection is sufficient for patient of medical refractory Kartagener syndrome, with localized bronchiectasis.Bilatery lung transplantation is appropriate of choice for end-stage Kartagener syndrome with long-termsurvival.
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