王泽 王茜 李树林 张媛 鲍德林.2014-2015 年乌鲁木齐市院前急救老年患者疾病谱分析[J].,2017,17(7):1324-1327
2014-2015 年乌鲁木齐市院前急救老年患者疾病谱分析
Analysis the Disease Spectrumof Pre-hospital Care for Elderly Patients inUrumqi From2014 to 2015
中文关键词: 老年患者  院前急救  疾病谱  资源配置
英文关键词: Elderly patients  Pre-hospital care  Disease spectrum  Resource allocation
王泽 王茜 李树林 张媛 鲍德林 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院乌鲁木齐市急救中心 
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      目的:了解乌鲁木齐市院前急救老年患者疾病谱变化,提高老年人救治效率。方法:回顾性收集2014 年1 月1 日-2015 年 12 月31 日乌鲁木齐市120院前急救调度指挥中心数据库中40823 例老年(≥ 60 岁)患者病例信息,并进行疾病谱分析。结果: 40823 例老年患者中男性22284 例,女性18539 例,平均年龄(75.25 8.49)岁;其中汉族35018 例,维吾尔族3608 例,回族1698 例,其他民族499 例。院前急救老年患者疾病谱以心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、损伤、消化系统疾病、神经系统疾病为主,且心脑 血管疾病接诊率最高。院前急救老年患者接诊高峰月份为每年3-5 月,9-10 月,12-1 月;呼叫高峰时段为每日8:00-12:00,其次为 每日12:00-16:00;高发区域集中在新市区与沙依巴克区。结论:随着院前急救老年患者接诊数量的增多,应加强院前医护人员的 相关培训。根据院前急救老年患者的高发地区、月份及时段,合理配置院前急救资源。
      Objective:To investigate the changes of disease spectrum of pre-hospital care for in elderly patients in Urumqi, so as to improve the treatment efficiency.Methods:Retrospectively collected case information of 40823 elderly (over 60 years) of pre emergency dispatch command center database in 120 hospital, Urumqi city, during January 1,2014 to December 31st 2015, and analysised the disease spectrum.Results:Among 40823 elderly patients, there were 22,284 male and 18539 female, and the average age was (75.25± 8.49) years; among them, with 35018 cases of Hans, 3608 cases of Uygur, 1698 cases of Hui and 499 cases of other nationalities. The disease spectrum of pre-hospital care for elderly patients was mainly included cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, injuries, digestive diseases, nervous system diseases, and the highest rate of disease was cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. The peak reception months of elderly patients were concentrated in the 3-5 months, 9-10 months, 12-1 months; the peak times were concentrated in the daily 8:00-12:00, followed by 12:00-16:00; the high-fat areas were concentrated in the new urban area and Shayibake District.Conclusion:With the increasing number of elderly patients with pre-hospital care, it is necessary to strengthen the related training of pre-hospital medical staff and reasonably configure resources, according to the high incidence areas, month and time of pre-hospital care elderly patients.
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