李秀荣,李光辉,张 鹏,徐今宁,陈 勇.6000张抗菌药物处方专项点评分析及监管措施的探讨[J].,2018,(14):2768-2771
Comments on 6,000 Prescriptions for Antibacterial Drugs and the Regulatory Measures
投稿时间:2017-12-06  修订日期:2017-12-29
中文关键词: 抗菌药处方  专项点评  抗菌药用药分析
英文关键词: Antibacterial prescription  Special comment  Antibacterial drug analysis
李秀荣 北京市首都医科大学教学医院\北京市石景山医院 药剂科 北京 100043 zhangyajunyisheng@163.com 
李光辉 北京市首都医科大学教学医院\北京市石景山医院 药剂科 北京 100043  
张 鹏 北京市首都医科大学教学医院\北京市石景山医院 药剂科 北京 100043  
徐今宁 河北北方学院第一附属医院 药剂科 河北 张家口 075061  
陈 勇 河北北方学院第一附属医院 药剂科 河北 张家口 075061  
摘要点击次数: 479
全文下载次数: 328
      摘要 目的:对我院门诊不合理使用抗菌药物处方进行分析,提高我院合理使用抗菌药物水平,探讨不合理使用抗菌药的原因及合理使用抗菌药的监管措施。方法:利用本院抗菌药处方信息系统,抽取2016年1月~12月抗菌药物处方,每月抽查抗菌药处方500张,包括16个科室共6000张进行处方点评,将药物选择不适宜;药物选择起点高,用法用量不适宜;溶液的浓度不适宜;溶媒量不适宜;联合用药是不适宜,诊断不规范,无适应症用药,重复用药,疗程偏长汇总分析。结果:不合理处方涉及16个科室,1160张不合理抗菌药处方,占抽取处方的19.33%,不合理处方包括十方面的内容,共1340处,占总抽查处方的22.33%。结论:我院门诊抗菌药物使用存在不合理性,不合理抗菌药处方占总抽查处方的百分率偏高,抗菌药物专项点评有利于发现科室存在的普遍问题,提出干预措施为持续改进提供参考。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the prescriptions of antiviral drugs used in our clinics, to improve the rational use of antimicro- bial agents in our hospital, to explore the reasons for the irrational use of antimicrobial agents and to monitor the rational use of antimi- crobial agents. Methods: Using the antibacterial prescription information system in our hospital, antibacterial prescriptions were collected from January to December in 2016, and 500 samples of antibacterial drugs were randomly selected every month, including 6,000 in 16 departments for prescription review. The drug selection was inappropriate. Drugs Choose a high starting point, the amount of inappropri- ate use; solution concentration is not appropriate; the amount of solvent is not appropriate; combination is not appropriate, the diagnosis is not standardized, no indications medication, repeated medication, long course of treatment summary analysis. Results: The unreason- able prescriptions involved 16 departments and 1160 unreasonable antibacterial prescriptions, accounting for 19.33% of the prescriptions, including 1340 unreasonable prescriptions, accounting for 22.33% of the total randomized prescriptions. Conclusion: The use of antibac- terials in outpatient clinics in our hospital is irrational. The percentage of prescriptions for unreasonable antibacterials in prescriptions is high. The special reviews of antibacterials are helpful to find the common problems in the departments and the interventions are suggested for continuous improvement.
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