Progress in Research of Related MicroRNAs in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
投稿时间:2017-12-30  修订日期:2018-01-26
中文关键词: 骨髓增生异常综合征  5q-综合征  急性髓系白血病  微小RNA
英文关键词: Myelodysplastic Syndromes  5q-syndrome  Acute myeloid leukemia  MicroRNA
张惠桃 西南医科大学附属医院血液科 四川 泸州 646000 359982098@qq.com 
肖鸿文 西南医科大学附属医院血液科 四川 泸州 646000  
李晓明 西南医科大学附属医院血液科 四川 泸州 646000  
摘要点击次数: 444
全文下载次数: 220
      ABSTRACT: Myelodysplastic syndrome is a heterogeneous group of acquired malignant diseases of the clones. Its basic clinical features are that the hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow have abnormal morphological manifestations and the reduction of the three-line blood cells in the peripheral blood, and high risk of conversion to acute myeloid leukemia. The differential diagnosis of MDS, to assess the prognosis of treatment decisions are of great significance. In recent years, epigenetic pathway participates in the etiology and pathogenesis of MDS, especially microRNA plays an important role in the occurrence, development and prognosis of MDS. This article expounds the significance and status of related miRNA research through the relationship between the clinical monitorability of miRNA and blood diseases; and focus on the miRNAs that may play an important role in the diagnosis and clinical progress of MDS, as well as the expression of miRNAs that are specific to miR145 and miR146a in 5q-syndrome. With a view to be able to carry out more in-depth research and exploration on this basis, miRNA in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome play more potential.
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