赵 敏,赵 品,葛 娜,李 潇,张尚民,蒯建科.DHA通过抑制氧化应激反应减轻七氟烷所致神经元损伤[J].,2018,(19):3618-3622
DHA Attenuates Sevoflurane-induced Neuronal Damage through an Anti-oxidative Stress Response
投稿时间:2018-03-21  修订日期:2018-04-17
中文关键词: DHA  神经元  七氟烷  氧化应激
英文关键词: DHA  Neuron  Sevoflurane  Oxidative stress
赵 敏 西安市第三医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000 3431793243@qq.com 
赵 品 西安市第三医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000  
葛 娜 西安市第三医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000  
李 潇 西安市第三医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000  
张尚民 西安安琪儿妇产医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000  
蒯建科 西安市第三医院麻醉科 陕西 西安 710000  
摘要点击次数: 415
全文下载次数: 201
      摘要 目的:观察二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)是否通过抑制氧化应激反应减轻七氟烷所致神经元损伤。方法:HT22小鼠海马神经元分为Con组、DHA组和Sevo组和DHA+Sevo组,药物处理各组细胞24 h后,在倒置相差显微镜下拍照记录各组细胞形态改变,采用MTT法检测神经元存活情况,检测各组培养基中LDH, NO, SOD及MDA的含量。结果:CON组和DHA组细胞形态正常,Sevo组细胞皱缩,胞体破裂,正常形态消失,而DHA+Sevo组细胞形态基本正常,皱缩破裂的细胞较少;与CON组和DHA组相比,Sevo组HT22细胞存活率下降至CON组的25.79%,培养液中LDH的漏出量显著增加至CON组的400.15%,SOD活力下降至CON组的30.96%,培养液中NO及MDA的含量分别增加至CON组的507.62%和342.15%(P<0.05);而与Sevo组相比,DHA+Sevo组HT22细胞存活率增加至CON组的75.68%,培养液中LDH的漏出量下降至CON组的175.68%,SOD活力增加至CON组的70.48%,培养液中NO及MDA的含量分别下降至CON组的355.80%和192.27%(P<0.05)。结论:DHA通过抗氧化应激反应减轻七氟烷对HT22细胞的损伤。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To observe whether DHA ameliorate sevoflurane-induced neuronal damage and explore the possible mech- anism. Methods: Cells were assigned to Con group, DHA group, Sevo group and DHA+Sevo group. After treated, the cell morphology changes were photographed under inverted phase contrast microscope, and cell suvival was assessed by MTT assay; then the medium was used to assess the concentration of LDH, SOD, NO and MDA. Results: In CON and DHA groups, the cell morphology was normal, the cells in Servo group were collapsed, the cell body ruptured and the normal morphology disappeared. However, the cell morphology in DHA+Sevo group was normal and there were fewer rupture cells. Compared with CON group and DHA group, the survival rate of HT22 cells in Sevo group decreased, the amount of LDH leakage and the activity of SOD decreased, the content of NO and MDA in the culture fluid increased significantly(P<0.05); Compared with the Sevo group, the viability of HT22 cells in DHA + Sevo group was sig- nificantly increased, the leakage of LDH in the culture fluid decreased, and the activity of SOD increased. The content of NO and MDA in the cul- ture fluid decreased(P<0.05). Conclusion: DHA attenuates sevoflurane-induced damage to HT22 cells through an anti-oxidative stress re- sponse.
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