金 晶,胡 涛,吴 云,余晶晶,朱爱红,叶夏慧.脐血管前置产前超声表现及临床效果分析[J].,2020,(3):588-590
Prenatal Ultrasound Findings and Clinical Analysis of Umbilical Vessel Previa
投稿时间:2019-10-23  修订日期:2019-11-18
中文关键词: 脐血管前置  产前  超声检查
英文关键词: Umbilical vessel preposition  Prenatal  Ultrasonography
金 晶 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000 yuyinglong0111@163.com 
胡 涛 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000  
吴 云 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000  
余晶晶 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000  
朱爱红 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000  
叶夏慧 南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科 江苏 南京 210000  
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      摘要 目的:研究脐血管前置产前超声表现及临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2017年1月至2018年12月期间本院收治的34例脐血管前置孕妇临床资料,均进行产前超声检查,将结果与产后病理结果进行比较,分析超声表现。结果:同产后病理检查结果相比较,34例孕妇的产前超声诊断准确率、误诊率分别为97.06%、2.94%,数据对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),产前超声检查显示的胎盘及脐带入口情况主要为帆状胎盘、脐带胎盘边缘附着、边缘性前置胎盘、低置性前置胎盘、副胎盘等。结论:产前超声检查具有较高的脐血管前置诊断准确率,可为临床分娩结局的改善提供指导,适合推广应用在临床中。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To study the prenatal ultrasonographic manifestations and clinical effects of umbilical artery previa. Methods: The clinical data of 34 pregnant women with umbilical artery previa admitted to our hospital from January 2017 to December 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. All prenatal ultrasound examinations were performed. The results were compared with the pathological results after delivery, and the ultrasonographic manifestations were analyzed. Results: Compared with the results of postpartum pathology, the accuracy and misdiagnosis rate of prenatal ultrasonography in 34 pregnant women were 97.06% and 2.94%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the data(P>0.05). Prenatal ultrasonography showed that the main conditions of placenta and umbilical cord entrance were sail placenta, umbilical cord placenta marginal attachment and marginal anterior placenta. Placenta, low placenta previa, accessory placenta, etc. Conclusion: Prenatal ultrasonography has a high accuracy in prenatal diagnosis of umbilical vessels, which can provide guidance for the improvement of clinical delivery outcomes and is suitable for clinical application.
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