王 聃,王亚华,李 辉,葛时序,孟 健,申 磊,于 倩.格拉司琼联合隔药灸治疗肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐临床观察[J].,2020,(12):2359-2362
Clinical Observation of Granisetron Combined with Herb-separated Moxibustion in the Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting after Interventional Therapy for Hepatocellular carcinoma
投稿时间:2019-12-23  修订日期:2020-01-18
中文关键词: 格拉司琼  隔药灸  肝癌介入术后  恶心呕吐
英文关键词: Granisetron  Herbal-separated moxibustion  Hepatocellular carcinoma after interventional surgery  Nausea and vomiting
王 聃 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
王亚华 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
李 辉 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
葛时序 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
孟 健 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
申 磊 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
于 倩 唐山市中医医院 河北 唐山 063000 
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      摘要 目的:观察格拉司琼联合隔药灸治疗肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐患者72例,分为治疗组与对照组,每组36例,对照组给予注射用盐酸格拉司琼静脉滴注治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上给予隔药灸治疗。观察两组患者恶心、呕吐症状、胃液引流量及胃管留置时间,统计临床疗效。结果:治疗后治疗组在恶心、呕吐症状评分、胃液引流量、胃管留置时间方面明显均低于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗组、对照组临床疗效总有效率分别为91.67%、72.22%,比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:格拉司琼联合隔药灸可以明显改善肝癌介入术后恶心呕吐症状,缩短胃管留置时间,临床疗效显著。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of granisetron combined with Herb-separated moxibustion in the treatment of nausea and vomiting after interventional therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: 72 patients with nausea and vomiting after interventional therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma were divided into treatment group and control group, 36 cases in each group. The control group was treated with intravenous drip of granisetron hydrochloride for injection, while the treatment group was treated with medication-separated moxibustion on the basis of the control group. Observe the nausea, vomiting symptoms, gastric juice drainage and gastric tube indwelling time of the two groups, and statistics the clinical efficacy. Results: After treatment, the scores of nausea, vomiting symptoms, gastric juice drainage and gastric tube indwelling time in the treatment group were significantly lower than those in the control group (all P<0.05). The total effective rates of treatment group and control group were 91.67% and 72.22%, respectively, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion: Granisetron combined with Herb-separated moxibustion can significantly improve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting after interventional therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, shorten the time of gastric tube indwelling, and have a significant clinical effect.
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