孙白云,蒋 瑶,张 荣,贾素红,凌 莉.血清CCL17、CXCR4与重度子痫前期患者Th17细胞的相关性分析及对母婴结局的影响[J].,2023,(7):1304-1308
Correlation Analysis of Serum CCL 17, CXCR4 and Th17 Cell in Patients with Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Their Effects on Maternal and Infant Outcomes
投稿时间:2022-10-06  修订日期:2022-10-30
中文关键词: 重度子痫前期  辅助性T细胞17  C-C基序趋化因子配体17  CXC趋化因子受体4  母婴结局
英文关键词: Severe pre-eclampsia  Helper T cell 17  C-C chemokine ligand 17  CXC chemokine receptor 4  Maternal and infant outcomes
孙白云 苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科 江苏 苏州 215000 sby18260290962@163.com 
蒋 瑶 苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科 江苏 苏州 215000  
张 荣 苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科 江苏 苏州 215000  
贾素红 苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科 江苏 苏州 215000  
凌 莉 苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科 江苏 苏州 215000  
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      摘要 目的:探讨血清C-C基序趋化因子配体17(CCL17)、CXC趋化因子受体4(CXCR4)与重度子痫前期(SPE)患者辅助性T细胞(Th)17细胞的相关性分析及对母婴结局的影响。方法:选择2018年3月至2021年3月苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科收治的169例SPE患者(SPE组)和77例健康孕产妇(对照组)。检测血清CCL 17、CXCR4水平和外周血Th17细胞及其细胞因子。Pearson分析血清CCL 17、CXCR4水平与外周血Th17细胞及其细胞因子的关系,多因素Logistic回归分析SPE母婴结局不良的相关因素。结果:SPE组血清CCL17、CXCR4水平低于对照组(P<0.05),外周血Th17细胞占比、血清白细胞介素(IL)-17水平高于对照组(P<0.05)。血清CCL17、CXCR4水平与外周血Th17细胞占比、血清IL-17水平呈负相关(P<0.05)。母婴结局不良53例,母婴结局良好116例,母婴结局不良组血清CCL 17、CXCR4水平低于母婴结局良好组(P<0.05)。高Th17细胞占比、年龄大、低水平CCL17、CXCR4是SPE患者母婴结局不良的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:SPE患者血清CCL17、CXCR4水平降低,且与外周血Th17细胞占比增加,血清IL-17水平增高有关,低水平CCL17、CXCR4是SPE患者母婴结局不良的危险因素。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the correlation analysis of serum C-C chemokine ligand 17 (CCL17), CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and helper T cell (Th) 17 in patients with severe pre-eclampsia (SPE) and their effects on maternal and infant outcomes. Methods: 169 patients with SPE (SPE group) and 77 healthy pregnant women (control group) who were admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from March 2018 to March 2021 were selected. The serum CCL 17 and CXCR4 levels as well as peripheral blood Th17 cell and their cytokines were detected, and the maternal and infant outcomes were analyzed. The relationship between serum CCL 17 and CXCR4 levels and peripheral blood Th17 cell and their cytokines were analyzed by Pearson, and multivariate Logistic regression was used to analyze the related factors of poor maternal and infant outcomes of SPE. Results: The serum CCL17 and CXCR4 levels in the SPE group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05), and the proportion of peripheral blood Th17 cell and the serum interleukin (IL) -17 level were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05). Serum CCL17 and CXCR4 levels were negatively correlated with the proportion of peripheral blood Th17 cell and serum IL-17 level(P<0.05). There were 53 cases with poor maternal and infant outcomes, and 116 cases with good maternal and infant outcomes. The CCL 17 and CXCR4 levels in the poor maternal and infant outcome group were lower than those in the good maternal and infant outcome group(P<0.05). High proportion of Th17 cell, old age, low CCL17 and CXCR4 level were risk factors for adverse maternal and infant outcomes in patients with SPE(P<0.05). Conclusion: The serum CCL17 and CXCR4 levels in patients with SPE are decreased, which are associated with increased proportion of peripheral blood Th17 cell, increased serum IL-17 level, and adverse maternal and infant outcomes. Low levels of CCL17 and CXCR4 are risk factors for adverse maternal and infant outcomes in patients with SPE.
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