徐 单,陈小平,陈文玉,张云霞,闫 跃,任新萍.冷刀系统与宫腔镜下能量系统分别联合芬吗通治疗中重度宫腔粘连疗效对比[J].,2023,(22):4380-4384
Comparison of the Efficacy of the Cold Knife System and the Hysteroscopic Energy System Combined with Fenomentone for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Intrauterine Adhesions Respectively
投稿时间:2023-06-06  修订日期:2023-06-30
中文关键词: 冷刀系统  宫腔镜  能量系统  芬吗通  中重度  宫腔粘连
英文关键词: Cold knife system  Hysteroscopy  Energy system  Fenmutong  Moderate to severe  Intrauterine adhesions
基金项目:江苏省卫生健康委科研项目 ( H2019053)
徐 单 徐州医科大学研究生院 江苏 徐州 221002 xd410731247@163.com 
陈小平 徐州医科大学盐城临床学院/盐城市第一人民医院妇产科 江苏 盐城 224005  
陈文玉 徐州医科大学盐城临床学院/盐城市第一人民医院妇产科 江苏 盐城 224005  
张云霞 东南大学附属中大医院妇产科 江苏 南京 210044  
闫 跃 徐州医科大学盐城临床学院/盐城市第一人民医院妇产科 江苏 盐城 224005  
任新萍 徐州医科大学盐城临床学院/盐城市第一人民医院妇产科 江苏 盐城 224005  
摘要点击次数: 249
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      摘要 目的:对比分析冷刀系统与宫腔镜下能量系统分别联合芬吗通治疗中重度宫腔粘连疗效。方法:选取2020年1月-2022年1月我院收治的中重度宫腔粘连患者80例为研究对象,分为对照组(n=40)和观察组(n=40)。对照组采用宫腔镜下能量系统联合芬吗通治疗,观察组采用冷刀系统联合芬吗通治疗。对比两组临床指标、临床疗效、月经恢复情况、并发症发生情况。结果:观察组手术时间、术中出血量、手术次数、术后出血量均短/少于对照组(P<0.05)。术后12个月观察组临床疗效(90.00%)显著高于对照组(65.00%)(P<0.05)。术后8~14个月两组的月经恢复情况均改善,观察组月经恢复情况较对照组更优(P<0.05)。观察组术后感染、子宫腺肌病、子宫穿孔、水中毒等并发症的总发生率(7.50%)低于对照组(47.50%)(P<0.05)。结论:冷刀系统联合芬吗通治疗宫腔粘连具有显著疗效,不仅对患者的危害更小,还有利于月经恢复,减少并发症,改善预后。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To compare and analyze the efficacy of the cold knife system and the hysteroscopic energy system combined with fenomentone for the treatment of moderate to severe intrauterine adhesions respectively. Methods: Eighty patients with moderate to severe stable intrauterine adhesions admitted to our hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were selected for the study, and they were divided into a control group (n=40) and an observation group (n=40). The control group was treated with hysteroscopic energy system combined with fenomentone, and the observation group was treated with cold knife system combined with fenomentone. The clinical indicators, clinical efficacy, menstrual recovery and complications were compared between the two groups. Results: The operative time, intraoperative bleeding, number of operations, and postoperative bleeding in the observation group were shorter/less than those in the control group(P<0.05). The clinical efficacy of the observation group (90.00%) was higher than that of the control group (65.00%) at 12 months after surgery(P<0.05). The menstrual recovery improved in both groups from 8 to 14 months after surgery, and the observation group had better menstrual recovery than the control group(P<0.05). The overall incidence of complications such as postoperative infection, uterine adenomyosis, uterine perforation and water intoxication was lower in the observation group (7.50%) than in the control group (47.50%)(P<0.05). Conclusion: Cold knife system combined with fenomentone has significant efficacy in treating intrauterine adhesions, which is not only less harmful to patients, but also facilitates menstrual recovery, improves blood rheology, reduces complications and improves prognosis.
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