刘 冰,赵浩延,胡 斌,徐振海,秦云峰.基于数据挖掘探讨秦云峰教授治疗勃起功能障碍用药规律[J].,2024,(20):3941-3943
Study on Medication Law of QIN Yunfeng for the Treatment ofErectile Dysfunction Based on Data Mining
投稿时间:2024-04-12  修订日期:2024-05-09
中文关键词: 勃起功能障碍  数据挖掘  用药规律  名医经验
英文关键词: Erectile dysfunction  Data mining  Medication rule  Experience of famous doctors
刘 冰 南京中医药大学徐州附属医院 泌尿外科 江苏 徐州 221000 lbxz_5816@163.com 
赵浩延 南京中医药大学徐州附属医院 泌尿外科 江苏 徐州 221000  
胡 斌 南京中医药大学徐州附属医院 泌尿外科 江苏 徐州 221000  
徐振海 南京中医药大学徐州附属医院 质控办 江苏 徐州 221000  
秦云峰 南京中医药大学徐州附属医院 名医堂 江苏 徐州 221000  
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      摘要 目的:分析秦云峰教授治疗勃起功能障碍的用药规律。方法:收集整理2020.1-2023.12秦云峰教授治疗勃起功能障碍的处方资料,数据标准化后建立数据库,对药物频次、药类、药性、归经及核心药物进行分析。结果:共收集203例处方,涵盖205味中药,其中频次≥100的药物有五味子、淫羊藿、党参、仙茅、炙黄芪。药性以温为主,寒、平次之;药味多甘;归经以肝肾为主,又多涉及脾肺心;重用补虚类药物。发现药对、角药12组,潜在组合1组,聚类组合6组。结论:秦云峰教授认为ED可从五脏论治,重视调补先后天之源,用药具有寒温并用、药用和缓、升降有序、通补互用、精血同源、阴中求阳等特点。临证之时不拘泥于一法,根据具体病情施以疏肝、补肾、健脾、宁心、安神、活血等法。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the law of Professor Qin Yunfeng's medication in treating erectile dysfunction. Methods: Collect and sorted out the prescription data of Professor 2020.1-2023.12 Qin Yunfeng for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and established a database after data standardization to analyze drug frequency, drug category, drug nature, meridian and core drugs. Results: A total of 203 prescriptions were collected, covering 205 traditional Chinese medicines, among which 100 were schisandra, Epimedium, Dangshen, Cu and Astragalus. Medicine is mainly warm, followed by cold and flat; more sweet taste; mainly liver and kidney, spleen, lung and heart; and reuse deficiency drugs. 12 groups of drug pairs and corner drugs, 1 group of potential combination and 6 groups of cluster combination were found. Conclusion: Professor Qin Yunfeng believes that ED can be treated from the five zang organs, and pay attention to the source of the day. Drugs has the characteristics of cold and temperature, gentle medicinal, orderly rise and fall, supply and mutual use, homorigin of essence and blood, and seeking Yang in Yin. When the witness is not confined to one law, according to the specific condition to relieve liver, kidney, spleen, heart, mind, blood circulation and other methods.
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