Article Summary
马红梅1 郭筠秋2 张洪艳2 汪美琪2.胎鼠脊髓神经干细胞分离方法的比较[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(2):29-31.
The isolation of neural stem cells from fetal rat spinal cord and comparison of separation method
中文关键词: 神经干细胞  脊髓  分离  培养  机械法  胰酶消化法
英文关键词: Neural stem cells  Spinal cord  Isolation  Cultivation  Mechanical method  Trypsinization
Author NameAffiliation
MA Hong- mei1, GUO Jun- qiu2, ZHANG Hong- y an2 , WANG Mei- qi 2 哈尔滨医科大学大庆校区基础部组胚教研室 
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      目的: 比较机械法和胰酶消化法对胎鼠脊髓源神经干细胞增殖分化的影响。方法: 分别用机械法和胰酶消化法分离 胎鼠脊髓组织获得神经干细胞, 应用台盼蓝检测细胞成活率, 用无血清培养技术培养神经干细胞, 应用MTT 法检测细胞分裂增 殖能力, 采用免疫细胞化学法鉴定神经干细胞和分化细胞。结果: 机械法获得的细胞数量多于胰酶消化法。细胞经过培养其增 殖能力机械法略强于胰酶消化法, 但无统计学意义。培养形成的细胞球Nestin 阳性, 诱导分化后可见NSE 和GFAP 阳性细胞。结 论: 运用机械法比胰酶消化法分离胎鼠脊髓组织获得神经干细胞方法简单, 容易操作, 经过培养细胞增殖能力较强。并可提供健 康的细胞来源。
      Objective: To compare the difference between mechanical method and trypsinization about fetal rat spinal cord neural stem cells multiplication and differentiation. Methods: The neural stem cells were isolated by mechanical method and trypsinization and cultivated with serum- free culture techniques. The survival rate of the cells were detected by trypanblau. The potential of division and expansion of the cells were analyzed by MTT method. Immunocytochemistry was used to identify neural stem cell and neurons and glia differentiated. Results: There is no difference obviously about the cellular activity between mechanical method and trypsinization. But the value of mechanical method was higher. Conclusion: Using mechanical method to isolate fetal rat spinal cord for getting neural stem cells is easier than using trypsinization, which can offer the source of healthy cells.
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