Article Summary
A summary of the researches about the factors of familyinfluence on the children necessary to be brought up by other people
中文关键词: 留守孩  心理健康  家庭  代养人
英文关键词: Children necessary to be brought up by other people such as their relatives or guardians  Mental health  Family influence  Guardian
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yang - liang 北京大学政府管理学院 
Hits: 969
Download times: 1438
      青少年时期是儿童个性发展的一个重要时期, 个性发展有较大的可塑性。目前农村劳动力迁移导致了大批留守儿童 亲子教育缺失和家庭教育缺位。本文对留守儿童心理健康的相关研究进行了整理, 分析了影响留守儿童心理健康状况的四个主 要家庭因素, 并总结了关于为留守儿童建立社区学校和家庭的三维支持系统的建议。
      The development of personality in adolescence is very important to the children. With many young parents working out of house in the country, thers are more and more children necessary to be brought up by other people such as their relatives or guardians. The absence of parental upbringing for the children resulted in changes in family environment. Here we make a summarization of the resear chs in the mental health of the children, and try to give some suggestions in constructing an effective supporting system for the children.
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