Article Summary
彭 宏 师舞阳 李凤琦 杨 宇 陈龙胜.平菇转化叶黄素酯研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(4):8-9.
Research on biotransformation of lutein esters by Pleurotus .ostreatus
中文关键词: 叶黄素酯  平菇  高效液相色谱  生物转化
英文关键词: lutein esters  Pleurotus .ostreatus  HPLC  biotransformation
Author NameAffiliation
PENG Hong , SHI Wu -yang , LI Feng -qi , YANG Yu , CHENG Long -sheng 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 
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      目前针对有关天然产物的生物转化研究较少, 首次报道了平菇转化叶黄素酯的研究。在对平菇在叶黄素酯培养基生 长的观察中, 发现对于固体培养基, 菌丝体可利用叶黄素酯但不能增生, 而孢子悬液不能生长, 但在发酵液中两者生长良好, 可见 只有菌丝体可分泌水解酶, 而且该酶在溶液环境下效价高。同时利用高效液相色谱测定其降解效果发现, 平菇首先将叶黄素酯 转化为叶黄素, 同时也可将叶黄素转化为其它物质, 故控制发酵时间非常重要, 这为今后的工业化提供了基础。
      :With regard to few reports on biotransformation of natural products, this paper firstly study the biotransformation of lutein by Pleurotus.ostreatus(P.ostreatus).Mycelia can grow by use of lutein ester but not proliferate , and supernatant spores can not grow in terms of P.ostreatus on solid medium while both can grow well on liquid medium .So , only my celia can secret the extracelluar enzyme which is more effective in solution.According to enzymatic hydroly sis of lutein esters by HPLC , lutein esters can be transformed to lutein, then lutein also be transformed other chemical products , so the control of fermentation time is important .These results provide research conditions for future industry application .
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