Article Summary
刘 然.肺结核患者血细胞结果特点分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(4):46-47.
Analysis of Examination of Blood Cells in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
中文关键词: 肺结核  小红细胞  血小板计数
英文关键词: Pulmonary tuberculosis( PT)  Microcytic cell  Platelet count( PC)
Author NameAffiliation
LIURan 黑龙江省大庆市第二医院检验科 
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      目的: 为肺结核的诊断及观察预后提出新的思路。方法: 对新住院肺结核患者的血常规标本400 份及以上患者出院前血 常规标本400 份, 使用MEK- 6318K 血细胞分析仪检测分析。结果: 新住院400 例肺结核患者中血小板计数> 300 @ 109 / L 的92 例, 占23% 。92 例血小板计数升高的患者中, 除9 例贫血患者外, 83 例患者中红细胞计数和血红蛋白量都不低于参考值, 但红细 胞计数和血红蛋白量呈现不一致性, 即针对血红蛋白量而红细胞计数偏高, 体现出小红细胞少量增多, 这种情况在83 例中所占 比例为86%。出院前400 例肺结核患者血小板计数> 300 @ 109 / L 的5 例, 占1. 2%。结论: 由于肺结核患者大多数伴有营养不 良, 导致造血系统功能障碍, 导致小红细胞少量增多, 增多的小红细胞被血细胞分析仪计数到血小板计数里, 导致血小板计数偏 高。这个指标在肺结核诊断中意义很大, 为肺结核的诊断探索出新的思路。
      Objective: To offer a new idea for the diagnosis and prognosis of the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis( PT) by analyzing the examining results of blood cells. Methods: 400 blood routine examination specimens of the in- patients with PT, which were collected after being hospitalized and before being discharged from hospital respectively, were examined and analysed by MEK - 6318K hemocyte analysator . Results: In the newly hospitalized PT patients( n= 400) , there were 92 of platelet count more than 300@ 109/ L( 23%) , among the 92 patients, except for 9 0f anaemia, red cell count( RCC) and hemoglobin( HG) of 83 cases were more than reference values, and RCC wasn. t consistent with HG, that is, according to the level of HG, a high RCC and slightly increasing of microcytic cells( 86%) . Before discharging from the hospital, 5 of the 400 PT patients ( 1. 2%) had PC more than 300 @ 109/ L. Conclusion: Because of most of PT patients with malnutrition, there was something wrong with the patients. hemopoietic system, which resulted in slightly increasing of microcytic cells counted by hemocyte analysator into PC, leading to PC increasing. So this index is most significant in the diagnosis of PT.
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