Article Summary
Regulation of PUFA in the Diet to Bone Cell Function
中文关键词: 多不饱和脂肪酸  骨细胞  功能
英文关键词: Polyunsaturated fatty acid( PUFA)  Bone cell  Function
Author NameAffiliation
Song Lin- liang 暨南大学医学院 
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      骨骼是体内唯一可以同时提供支持、运动及矿物质平衡的组织。有三种细胞参与软骨及骨骼的形成, 即: 软骨细胞、成 骨细胞和破骨细胞。这些细胞在多种功能因子的调节下, 使骨骼保持最佳的质量状态。体内内平衡机制的紊乱, 尤其在老年时 期, 常会导致骨质的丢失或软骨损伤。为此, 常采用药物方法来防止和减轻这些症状, 然而, 有一点常被忽略但却非常重要, 那就 是膳食调节的作用。本文主要讨论的是膳食多不饱和脂肪酸对骨细胞功能的调节作用。
      Bone is a unique tissue providing support, movement and mineral balance for the body. Three types of cells are respons-i ble for the formation of cartilage and bone: the chondrocyte, osteoblast and osteoclast. These cells regulated by multiple factors maintain the opt-i mal bone mass. The disorder of internal equilibrium mechanism, especially in the elderly, often results in a loss of bone mass or cartilage damage. Many pharmacological agents have been used for preventing or alleviating these pathologies; however, there is one point which is often overlooked but quite important; that is, the regulation of the diet. This article mainly reviews the regulation effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the diet on the bone cell function.
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