Article Summary
李􀀁 培1 􀀁 王􀀁 波1 􀀁 朱􀀁 杰2 􀀁 黄􀀁 原1.昆虫防御素基因( defensin) 的起源与分子进化[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(4):66-69.
昆虫防御素基因( defensin) 的起源与分子进化
Molecular Evolution and Origin of Insect Defensin Gene
中文关键词: 昆虫防御素  同源蛋白质  基因树  物种树
英文关键词: Defensin  Hemology protein  Gene tree  Evolution tree
Author NameAffiliation
LI Pei1, WANG Bo1 , ZHUJ ie- xi2 , HUANG Yuan1 陕西师范大学生命科学学院?? 
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      果蝇防御素基因位于它的第二条染色体右臂上, 其编码产物具有抗菌肽活性, 主要对革兰氏阳性菌有抗性。由于其有 牢固的分子骨架、广泛的分布以及生物活性, 对它的研究已成为当前国际研究热点。本文主要使用NCBI 的资源分析黑腹果蝇防 御素及其同源序列, 并讨论了昆虫防御素的起源和分子进化。
      Defensin, abbreviated as def. , is a kind of special nuclear gene of insects. Defensin, existing in the right arm of the sec?? ond chromosome of drosophila melanogaster, encodes a product which possesses an anti- bacterial peptide activity and resists Gram- positive bac?? teria. Because of firm molecular skeleton, extensive distribution and biological activity, at present, defensin is being studied widely. In this pa?? per, 20 species of insects have been analyzed based on def. using ClustalX 1. 8 andMega2. 1 software.
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