Article Summary
刘晓春 彭仕政 谈荣日.脑电磁场及脑内源定位的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(6):9-12.
The research on the localization of the source inside the brain
中文关键词: 脑电场  脑磁场  电流偶极子  脑内源定位  脑电逆问题
英文关键词: Brain electric field  Brain magnetic field  Electric current dipole  L ocalization of the source inside the brain  EEG inverse problem
基金项目:贵州省科学技术基金研究项目( No. 20052005)
Author NameAffiliation
LIUXiao- chun, PENG Shi - zheng, TAN Rong- ri 贵州大学理学院物理系 
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      本文从物理学的电磁场理论阐述脑电磁场的产生原理; 从源的等效偶极子定位和皮层成像方法两个方面回顾了脑内 源定位的研究进展; 作为脑电的基础性研究, 它对临床医学的发展具有积极的推动作用。
      The paper expounds the creation principle of the brain electromagnetic field on the basis ofMaxwell. s electromagnetic theory; , and looks back the research progress of the localization of the source inside the brain both in the localization of the source equivalent dipole and cortical imaging method. As the foundation research of the brain electricity, the research on the localization of the source inside the brain will play an active role in the development of the clinical medicine.
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