Article Summary
田大丰1 􀀁 李􀀁 英1 􀀁 莫凤奎1 􀀁 俞红凯2 􀀁 王中彦1.辛伐他汀自微乳化胶囊的体内评价[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(7):27-28.
Assessment of simvastatin with a self- emulsifying capsule in vivo
中文关键词: 辛伐他汀  自微乳化  胶囊  HPLC  生物利用度
英文关键词: Simvastatin  Self- microemulsifying  Capsule  HPLC  Bioavailability
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Da- feng1 , LI Ying1 , MO Feng- kui1, YUHong - kai2, WANG Zhong- yan1 沈阳药科大学药学院 
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      目的: 研究辛伐他汀( SV) 自微乳化胶囊在比格犬体内的药代动力学。方法: 采用HPLC 法测定比格犬血浆药物浓度, 与市售片比较, 考察SV 自微乳化胶囊的体内药代动力学。结果: 药代动力学测定结果表明: 与市售片比较, 自微乳化胶囊血药浓 度达峰时间提前、最高血药浓度增大, Tmax = 1. 41h, Cmax= 46. 22ng??mL- 1, 而市售片的Tmax= 2. 65h, Cmax = 12. 43ng??mL- 1; AUC0- ?? 为 市售片剂的227. 5%。结论: 自微乳化胶囊可以显著提高SV 的体内吸收。
      Objective: To evluate the self- microemulsifying ablity and dissolution behavior of simvastatin in vitro and the pharmacokinetic behavior in beagle dogs. Methods: The plasma concentrations were evaluated by HPLC and dissolution and pharmacokinetic behavior of self- microemulsifying formulations were evaluated by comparison with commercial tablets. Results: The area under the curve ( AUC) was significantly higher in the simvastatin self- microemulsifying capsules group than that in the commercial tablets group. Also, Tmax was smaller and Cmax was much higher in the simvastatin self- microemulsifying capsules group compared with market products. Conclusion: The self - m-i croemulsifying capsule can increase absorption in vivo significantly .
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