Article Summary
陈 东1  赵 琦2  胡腾龙1  王晓平1  臧立新.颧骨复合体骨折手术治疗的临床研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(7):47-48.
A clinical investigation on the surgical treatment of zygomatic complex fracture
中文关键词: 颧骨复合体的骨折  冠状切口  联合入路
英文关键词: Fracture of zygomatic complex  Coronal incision  Combined approach
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Dong 1 , ZHAO Qi 2 , HU Teng -long 哈尔滨医科大学附属口腔医院口外科 
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      目的:观察和对比头皮冠状切口及小切口联合入路在各种颧骨复合体骨折治疗中的效果。方法:分析2002 年~ 2005 年于我院口腔颌面外科救治的62 例颧骨复合体骨折病人手术入路及临床效果。结果:根据不同类型的骨折, 选择不同术式和切 口, 术中患者使用微型钛板行坚固内固定, 术后均达到面形及功能的恢复。结论:对于大部分颧骨复合体骨折可以采用小切口的 单独或联合入路进行治疗, 对于颧骨体颧弓粉碎性骨折及陈旧性骨折应采用头皮冠状切口加必要的辅助切口。
      Objective :To observe and contrast the effects of coronal operative incision and combined approaches in small incision in the treatment of the the fracture of zygomatic complex .Methods:The surgical approaches and clinical effects of 62 patients with the fracture of zygomatic complex , who were admitted to our hospital during 2002 -2005, were retrospectively analysed.Results:According to various kinds of fractures, corresponding surgeon incisions were adopted, after which , the facial contour and function were rehabilitated.Conclusion :Combined or sole approach of small incision can be adopted towards the most patients with zygomatic complex fractures , while coronal incision and necessary auxiliary small incisions should be done for some patients with comminuted and obsolete fracture of zygomatic complex
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