Article Summary
Investigation and Study on the Psychological Health Conditions of FemaleTeachers in High School and University in Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 大中学女教师  心理健康  调查研究
英文关键词: Female teachers in high school and university  Psychological health  Investigation and study
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Zhi- qiao 南华工商学院?? 
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      目的: 调查研究广东大中学女教师心理健康状况并对两者进行比较。方法: 利用症状自评量表( SCL- 90) 对广东330 名女教师的心理健康状况进行问卷调查, 同时访谈其中10 位女教师。结果: 大中学女教师的心理健康状况比全国普通人群差, 具有轻度心理问题检出率为39. 6%, 明显心理问题检出率为18. 3%; 表现突出的是强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁和焦虑。不同 群体女教师的心理健康状况存在显著差异: 中学女教师比大学女教师差; 已婚女教师比未婚女教师差; 35- 45 岁的女教师的心理 健康问题较为严重。结论: 女教师的心理健康状况不容乐观。建议从制度层面到人文关怀层面, 从社会、学校到家庭都给予女教 师更多的关心与爱护, 客观上为女教师营造良好的生活环境和工作环境; 主观上女教师应不断提高自身修养, 学会调适自己心 理, 预防疾病, 用正确积极的态度去应对生活和工作。
      Objective: To study and compare the psychological health conditions of female teachers between high school and university. Methods: The psychological health conditions of 300 female teachers in Guangdong province were assessed with the ?? Symptom Check List 90?? ( SCL- 90) . At the same time, 30 female teachers among them were interviewed. Results: The psychological health conditions of female teachers in high school and university were worse than those of common crowd in China. The detection rate of the light psychological health problem of female teachers was 39. 6%, and the detection rate of the obvious psychological health problem of female teachers wass 18. 3 %, The primary psychological problems were compulsion, sensitivity ofhuman relation, depression and anxiety. The psychological health of female teachers in different community showed obvious difference: high school female teachers?? was worse than university female ones?? ; married female teachers?? was worse than single female ones?? . The psychological health problems of female teachers aged from 35 to 45 were more serious than other ages of female ones. Conclusion: The psychological health of female teachers is not so good. Therefore, objectively , female teachers should be offered good living and working environment, and cared for from the society, schools to their families, and so on; subjectively, female teachers should improve their ownqualities, and learn how to adjust their psychological state to prevent themselves suffering from diseases, and to live and work actively.
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