Article Summary
牛永祝1 苗志敏2.社会冲突理论视角下的医疗纠纷解决方式[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(13):2555-2557.
Medical Dispute Solution in the Perspective of Social Conflict Theory
中文关键词: 医疗纠纷  社会冲突  医患关系
英文关键词: Medical dispute  Social conflict  Relation between health doctor and patient
Author NameAffiliation
NIU Yong-zhu1, MIAO Zhi-min2 青岛大学医学院 
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      随着社会经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们的健康需求指数越来越高,法律意识也越来越强。与此同时,由医疗事故 等原因导致的医疗纠纷案件正呈逐年上升趋势。有效地解决医疗纠纷,有助于建立和谐的医患关系,而和谐的医患关系是构建和 谐社会一个主要的组成部分。本文在社会学视角下,运用达伦多夫和科塞的社会冲突理论来分析当前的医疗纠纷,从而促进医疗 纠纷的解决。
      Along with social economy development and people living standard enhancement, people's healthy demand index is getting higher and legal consciousness is getting stronger as well. At the same time, the medical dispute cases related to malpractice are increasing year by year. The effective solution on medical service dispute will be helpful to establish the harmonious relation between health workers and patients. The harmonious relation is a main constituent in the process to develop harmonious society. In the perspective of sociology, Social conflict theory from Dahrendorf and Lewis Coser are applied to analyze the causes and development of the medical dispute and the measurements are also proposed.
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