Article Summary
Impacts of pregnancy stress on development of lymphoid stem cellsof bone marrow in rats
中文关键词: 孕期应激  骨髓淋巴干细胞  骨髓微环境
英文关键词: stress during pregnancy  bone marrow lymphoid stem cells  bone marrow microenvironment
Author NameAffiliation
WU Yan, ZHOU Luo, LIU Rui-qi, LI Ming 中南大学湘雅三医院 
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      孕期应激对子代产生的影响是多方面的,这种影响是复杂的。研究表明,出生前的应激经历可导致出生后子代长期的免疫 功能改变。这些改变追其根源与骨髓淋巴干细胞的改变有关。本文综述了大鼠孕期经历应激的子代骨髓淋巴干细胞所受的影响 及免疫系统的相关改变,并根据现有的研究提出假说,为进一步研究孕期应激导致子代免疫系统改变的机理研究提供新的思路。
      Stress during pregnancy impacts on the offspring a lot, this impact is complex. Studies have shown that prenatal stress experience can lead to long-term immune dysfunction after birth of the offspring. The root causes of these changes with recovery of bone marrow lymphoid stem cells related to the change. This paper reviews how the experience of stress during pregnancy affects the bone marrow stem cells of offspring and explains the changes in the immune system. This review based on existing researches, and proposed hypotheses for further study of the mechanism that how stress during pregnancy causes changes in the immune system of offspring.
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