Article Summary
沈昌明1 党永进1△ 戴俊岭1 王兴双1 丁宝林1 傅恩清2.戈壁野营驻训我部开展卫生防病的实践体会[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(4):772-774.
Experience of Disease Prevention during Force Gobi Campingand Field Training
中文关键词: 野营驻训  健康教育  卫生防病  实践体会
英文关键词: Camping and field training  Health education  Disease prevention
Author NameAffiliation
SHEN Chang-ming1, DANG Yong-jin1△, DAI Jun-ling1, WANG Xing-shuang1, DING Bao-lin1, FU En-qing2 陕西西安临潼68310部队门诊部 
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      新形势下,做好部队野营训练的卫勤保障工作,深入研究训练伤及其相关疾病的防治,是新时期军事斗争准备卫勤保障的 重要内容,也是时代赋予医务人员的崇高责任。随着信息化进程的不断加快,部队完成军事斗争准备各项任务日趋繁重。对广大 官兵的身心健康提出了更高标准,发挥健康教育优势,促进官兵健康,必须与时俱进,不断创新。我部采取多种方式、提高官兵自 我防护及保健能力,从而促进部队整体全面建设稳步发展。
      Under the new situation,to do the work of medical service well and to study the training injuries and prevention and treatment of related diseases are not only the important part of the work of medical service in the military struggle but also the lofty responsibilities of medical staff. With the accelerating process of information,forces have increasingly arduous tasks and a higher standard for the physical and mental health of officers and men,whose health and health education must keep pace with times and be innovative. We have Improved the ability of officers and men in their self-protection and health care, by a variety of ways,and promoted the steady development of the whole building of forces.
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