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A Review on Self-Esteem Study
中文关键词:   恐惧管理理论  自我报告  评价性反馈
英文关键词: Self-esteem  Terror Management Theory  Self-report  the evaluative feedback
Author NameAffiliation
ZHENG Shun-yi 沈阳师范大学教育科学学院 
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      自尊是一个系统,它不仅涉及了个体的认知层面,还包括个体的情感层面,并且根据个体所处的特定的情景,其表现有时稳 定,有时不稳定。自尊的情感模型主要探讨了自尊的组成成分与自尊的起源;自尊的认知模型把自尊看成个体对自己作为人的价 值的有意识判断;以恐惧管理理论为代表的自尊的社会学模型又从新的角度解释了自尊的理论模型。罗森伯格的自尊量表开启 了自尊测量的先河,我国学者在自尊的测量方面也取得了相应的进展。同时,从社会比较理论与评价性反馈两个角度阐述了自尊 的作用。自尊的研究遍布群体从幼儿、青少年到大学生,都有丰富的实证研究。自尊结构的研究领域内出现了一些新进展,主要表 现在内隐自尊、具体自尊及集体自尊研究的逐步兴起。
      Self-esteem is a system, not only involves the individual's cognitive level but also the emotional level, and shows stability or instability from time to time according to the specified circumstances the individual's in. The emotional model of self-esteem mainly discussed the elements organized in and its origin, the cognitive model regarded self-esteem as a conscious judgment on the individual's value as human beings, and the social model labeled by Terror Management Theory from a new perspective explained the theoretical models of self-esteem. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was the beginning of measuring self-esteem, and our native scholars also made a corresponding progress. Meanwhile, from the perspectives of social comparison theory and evaluative feedback, the function of self-esteem was sound explored. Some self-esteem studies of specified groups and related studies about self-esteem were involved, including children, teenagers and college students. Recently, the implicit self-esteem, the specified self-esteem and collective self-esteem have been raised rapidly.
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