Article Summary
张玉玲1 王书昌2 任立红1△ 胡孟英1 曲书强1.肥胖儿童血清25- 羟维生素D 水平的研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(5):899-901.
肥胖儿童血清25- 羟维生素D 水平的研究
Research of Obese Children Blood Serum 25- hydroxy Vitamin D Level
中文关键词: 肥胖儿童  25-(OH)D
英文关键词: obese children  25-(OH)D
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Yu-ling 1,WANG Shu-chang2, REN Li-hong1△, HU Meng-ying1, QU Shu-qiang1 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院儿内科 
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      目的:探讨肥胖儿童血清25-(OH)D 的水平,为临床评估维生素D 营养状况与儿童肥胖症关系的研究提供参考。方法:将 2009 年5 月至10 月收治的儿童依据体重指数分成3 组,抽取空腹静脉血检测血清中25-(OH)D 水平,并进行组间比较。结果: 通过分析25-(OH)D 水平,肥胖组婴儿指标显著低于正常儿和瘦婴儿,统计学分析差异有显著性意义。结论:肥胖婴儿较正常儿 和瘦婴儿25-(OH)D 水平低,更易患佝偻病。提示防治佝偻病, 对肥胖婴儿尤应重视,更要补充维生素D。
      Objective: To study the obese children, serum 25- (OH)D levels, for the clinical assessment of vitamin D nutritional status of the relationship between childhood obesity and provide references. Methods: The May 2009 to October based on body mass index of children admitted were divided into 3 groups, fasting venous blood serum 25- (OH)D level, and comparison between groups. Results: Analysis of 25- (OH)D level, the obese group was significantly lower than normal baby children indices and lean baby, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: Obese children than normal and lean baby baby 25- (OH)D level is low, more susceptible to rickets. Rickets prevention tips for child obesity in particular attention should be paid more to add vitamin D.
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