Article Summary
易莉萍1 黄泽阳2△ 刘绍明2 侯世方2 龙娉1.不同支付方式住院费用分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(6):1161-1164.
Analysis of Hospitalization Costs of Different Payment Type for Inpatient
中文关键词: 医疗保险住院费用
英文关键词: Medical insurance  Hospitalization cost
Author NameAffiliation
YI Li-ping1, HUANG Ze-yang2△, LIU Shao-ming2, HOU Shi-fang2, LONG Ping1 石河子大学医学院 
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      目的:分析住院患者不同支付方式下住院费用差异,为建立合理的医疗费用控制体制提供参考依据。方法:对某院 2007~2009 年的住院患者的住院天数、年龄、住院费用、性别及支付方式进行分析。结果:年龄、性别和支付方式是影响住院费用的 重要因素。至2009 年医保患者人群多于自费患者人群,医保患者人数涨幅明显;男性患者多于女性患者;住院费用随着年龄的增 长而增加。结论:继续推广城镇职工基本医疗保险,为60 岁以上人群制定更有针对性的政策。
      Objective: To analyse of inpatient hospital costs under different methods of payment differences for the establishment of reasonable health care cost control system to provide reference. Methods: Length of hospital stay, age ,hospitalizaiotn cost and sex are statistically analyzed with different payment type for one hospital in 2007-2009. Results: The main influencing factors on age, sex, medical insurance. Till 2009, medicare population more than those with expense; the number of inpatients who in medical insurance was increased rapidly; male patients than women; hospitalized expense are increasing with age. Conclusion: We should broaden the social security to satisfy patients and appropriate rules should be established for aged patient over 60.
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