Article Summary
Pharmacological Prophylaxis of Acute Mountain Sickness
中文关键词: 急性高原病  高原反应  药物预防
英文关键词: Acute mountain sickness(AMS)  Altitude stress  Pharmacological Prophylaxis
Author NameAffiliation
REN Wen-hui WANG Jian-bo 第四军医大学药学系天然药物学教研室 
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      急性高原病是暴露于高原时,因高原低氧而在数小时至数天内出现的临床症候群,若不及时诊治,会发展为较为严重的高 原肺水肿和高原脑水肿。随着我国对西部地区投入力度的增加,内地人员进入高原地区日渐增多,因此如何保证进入高原的人员 健康,是医药科研工作的一项重要任务。为使人们有效快速地预防急性高原病,本文对国内外使用较为普遍的药物以及它们的作 用机制进行了概述;并对有良好应用前景的药物进行了介绍。
      Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is defined as the presence of a combination of nonspecific symptoms that appear within a few hours after ascent to altitude, eg, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness, lassitude, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. Increases in severity of symptoms or signs of neurological dysfunction (ataxia or altered consciousness) indicate transition to a life-threatening form of altitude illness. High-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), 2 forms of high altitude illness that are potentially lethal. As increasing numbers of people choose to sojourn or work to the mountains, high-altitude illness is becoming a pathological phenomenon about which healthcare providers should have greater awareness. In order to help people find the most efficient and fastest way to prevent the AMS, we introduced several drugs which have already worked out during the clinical use. There are also some medicine which have potential effect have been showed in this view.
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