Article Summary
On Pathogenesis of Treatment-Resistant Depression
中文关键词: 难治性抑郁症  发病机理
英文关键词: TRD  etiology
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Yan-xia, ZHANG Gui-qing 石河子大学医学院护理系石河子大学医学院第一附属医院康复心理科 
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      抑郁症是一种高患病率、高致残率及高自杀率的严重精神疾患。在过去10 年中,抗抑郁药物研究取得了突飞猛进的进展。然 而,在临床上仍约有20%的抑郁症患者最终成为难治性抑郁症病例。难治性抑郁症是一种情感障碍,目前尚无较好的治疗策略。 现对有关难治性抑郁症的病因学现状进行文献回顾与总结,了解难治性抑郁症的发病机制,便于从临床治疗角度早期识别该类 患者,尽可能及早地给予积极的抗抑郁治疗,以提高临床缓解率。
      Depression is a highly prevalent and disabling condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Although the therapeutic armamentarium available for clinicians treating depression patients has expanded substantially over the last decade, up to 20 % of depression patients eventually present with treatment - resistant depression (TRD). However, the optimal strategy for treating TRD has yet to be identified. TRD is a kind of affective disorders.We have reviewed and summarized the literatures about current etiology of TRD to understand the etiology of TRD. So we could recognize this kind of patients earlier from the view of clinical treatment, give the proactive anti-depression treatments as soon as possible and improve clinical remission rate.
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