Article Summary
周全胜1 向峥1 王伟2 张立3.我军某部赴利比里亚维和某部疾病构成及防治[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(8):1563-1566.
Diseases and Control Measures of Officers and Men of the ChinesePeacekeepers in Liberia
中文关键词: 非洲  维和  疾病防治
英文关键词: Africa  Peacekeeping  Prophylaxis and treatment
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Quan-sheng1, XIANG Zhen1, WANG Wei2 , ZHANG Li3 解放军161 医院 
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      目的:调查我维和部队官兵的疾病构成,从而探讨防治对策。方法:军医实行24 小时值班制度,1 周轮换。就诊官兵均按症 状、体征进行临床诊断并实时登记。结果:感染性疾病、皮肤病、腰腿痛、胃炎、痔等5 类疾病所占比例已经超过95%,而原来以为 与军事行动关系较大的外伤、与热带环境工作相关的中暑倒处于一个较为次要的位置。结论:自我国派成建制的部队参加国际维 和任务以来,所赴地区主要为热带或亚热带,各部队所处环境相似,各自的疾病防治经验可资借鉴。
      Objective: To investigate the kinds of diseases in the peacekeeping troops and thus find effective ways to deal with these diseases. Method:To make medical officers on call for 24 hours a day, with rotating each week. Medical officers diagnose the patience according to their symptoms and signs and make detailed record. Result:It is found that infective diseases, skin problems, backache, leg aches, gastritis, and hemorrhoids account for more than 95% of all cases. What has been thought as more common illness such as injury (which is more related to military actions) and sunstroke (which is typical in the tropics environment) occurs less frequently. Conclusion:It should be beneficial for medical officers of different troops to learn from each other based on their own experience because the peacekeeping troops that the Chinese government has sent out for international peacekeeping tasks focus on tropic and subtropical zones and different troops share similar working environment.
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