Article Summary
倪晓威1 韦亚红1 杨洵2 蔡雅贤3 邵兵1.健康宣教在小儿狭窄性腱鞘炎围手术期应用价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(8):1567-1568.
Application of Health Mission in Children with Stenotic Tenosynovitisin Perioperative Period
中文关键词: 小儿  狭窄性腱鞘炎  围手术期  健康宣教
英文关键词: children, With stenotic tenosynovitis, Perioperative, Health mission
Author NameAffiliation
NI Xiao-Wei 1, WEI Ya-hong1 , YANG Xun2 , CAI Ya-Xian 3, SHAO Bing 1 吉林大学中日联谊医院手外科 
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      目的:对手术疗法治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的小儿患者采取系统的整体健康宣教,使得患儿疗程缩短,治愈率高,复发率降至最 低,功能康复效果良好,提高护理质量。方法:在保守治疗无效的情况下,手术疗法切除部分狭窄腱鞘,围手术期实施系统的全面 的功能康复训练及宣教。结果:54 例患儿完全治愈,随访3~26 个月,无复发及并发症,愈后功能良好。结论:细致、周密的做好围手 术期对家长及患儿的双重健康宣教工作,使得护患关系融洽,患者自护能力大大加强,治疗及护理效果满意。
      Objective: Stenotic tenosynovitis pediatric patients undergoing the surgical therapy were taken system overall health mission, making cure rate of children patients high and shortening the course of treatment and improving the quality of nursing. Methods: in conservative treatment invalid cases, surgical therapy excision part, narrow tenosynovitis perioperative implementation system of comprehensive functional rehabilitation training and mission. Results: 54 patients cured completely follow-up of 3~26 months, relapse-free and complications, prognostic function is good. Conclusion: the perquisite for completes the perioperative for parents and children's health, make double missionaries protect patients with harmonious relationship between since protect ability strengthens, cure and nurse with satisfactory effect.
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