Article Summary
王玉挺1 宋祖军2△ 王伟1 孟焕成1.多聚糖止血颗粒对兔股动脉出血的止血效果观察[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(10):1855-1857.
Hemostatic Effect of Polysaccharide Hemostatic Particles on FemoralArtery Bleeding in Rabbits
中文关键词: 多聚糖止血颗粒  动脉出血  止血
英文关键词: Artery Rupture  Polysaccharide Hemostatic System  Haemostasis
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yu-ting1,SONG Zu-jun2△, WANG Wei1,MENG Huan-cheng1 第四军医大学西京医院急诊科 
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      目的:观察PerClotTM 多聚糖止血颗粒在兔股动脉局部止血效果。方法:分离并剪断兔股动脉,应用多聚糖止血颗粒止血,通 过测定出血量与止血时间同阴性对照组对比了解活动患肢对止血稳定性的影响。结果:受试2 组平均出血量如下:PerClotTM 组: (1.46±0.06)g;阴性对照组(2.48±0.10)g。统计分析后可知PerClotTM 组较阴性对照组出血量减少(P<0.01)。平均止血时间如下: PerClotTM 组:(100±30.1)s;阴性对照组(200±36.33)g。统计分析后可知PerClotTM 组较阴性对照组止血时间减少(P<0.01).活动患肢 对止血稳定性无影响。结论:多聚糖颗粒止血效果可靠,有临床应用前景,值得进行临床实验。
      Objective: To investigate the hemostatic effect of polysaccharide hemostatic particles on femoral artery bleeding in rabbits. Methods: Dissect the rabbit and isolated the left femoral artery, and cut the femoral artery. Observe the hemostatic effect of PerClotTM on it. Timing and calculate the amount of bleeding for comparing with negative control group. Results: The average amount of bleeding in PerClotTM group ((1.46 ± 0.06) g on Average) less than control group((2.48±0.10)g on Average)(P<0.01). The average time of haemostasis in PerClotTM group ((100±30.1)s on Average) less than control group((200±36.33)s on Average)(P<0.01). Conclusions: The hemostatic effect of polysaccharide hemostatic system is reliable. We believe that it worthy for clinical trials.
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