Article Summary
Comparative Study of Basic Cognitive Ability Tests for Student Pilotsbetween High School and College Students
中文关键词: 招飞  心理学  基本认知能力  比较
英文关键词: pilots selection  psychology  ability tests  comparison
Author NameAffiliation
CHI Dong-qing, HU Wen-dong 第四军医大学航空航天医学院医学装备教研室 
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      目的:比较高中生与大学生在空军招飞基本认知能力测验成绩上是否存在差异。方法:用完全随机设计的方法,采用新编飞 行员基本认知能力测验,包括无意义图形记忆、注意力持久、局部整体图形转换、图形识别、距离判断力、三维空间认知能力测验, 对720 名高中生与大学生进行测评,比较两者间的异同。结果:无意义图形记忆、注意力持久,局部整体图形转换,图形识别,距离 判断力测验,大学生的成绩要优于高中生的成绩,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 大学生与高中生的三维空间认知能力测验成绩在 统计学上没有显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:大学生的记忆力、注意力的持久性和转换性、观察力等基本认知能力水平高于高中生,在 三维空间认知能力方面二者的水平是相当的,建议在今后的招飞工作中可扩大对大学生的招生规模。
      Objective: To compare the difference between high school students and college students on basic ability tests of Air force pilots selection. Methods: Using completely random design to compare the difference,720 pilots selection candidates were tested by 6 kinds of different basic ability tests,including Test of remembering meaningless graphics,Test of attention span,Test of attention convertion ,Test of pattern recognition,Test of spatial cognitive ability,Test of range estimation ability. Results: In these tests of remembering meaningless graphics , attention span, attention convertion, pattern recognition, range estimation ability, high school students' score were better than college students', the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); but in the test of spatial cognitive ability, scores were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusions: In the basic cognitive level of memory, attention and observation, college students is better than high school students. But they are the same in three-dimensional space cognitive ability. The enrollment of college students could be expanded in the future.
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