Article Summary
Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Xuezhikang Capsule onPatients with Coronary Heart Diseases
中文关键词: 血脂康胶囊  冠心病;抗氧化;抗炎
英文关键词: Capsule Xuezhikang  Coronary heart diseases  Anti-oxidant  Anti-inflammatory
Author NameAffiliation
LI Bin, HU Shan-you,WU Xiao, XU Hui-li, ZHANG Hua-ming, WANG Li 上海市嘉定区中心医院 
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      目的:探讨血脂康胶囊对冠心病患者的抗氧化及抗炎效果和意义。方法:选取冠心病并且有一定程度的脂代谢紊乱的患者 64 例,按随机对照原则随机分为A 组(32 例)及B 组(32 例),A 组给予血脂康胶囊600mg,日2 次;B 组予洛伐他汀40mg/d,丙 氨酸转氨酶或天冬氨酸转氨酶升高超过正常值3 倍以上的患者服用剂量减半,即洛伐他汀20mg/d,经治疗或者观察恢复正常 后再加到40mg/d。共比8 周,检测实验前后的血浆ALT,AST,CK,OX-LDL,CRP 及SOD 水平。结果:血脂康胶囊可以明显 的降低血浆TG,CHOL,LDL 水平,并且与对照组差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。血脂康胶囊可以明显的降低血浆OX-LD,CRP 水平,与对照组差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),血脂康胶囊可以提高血浆SOD 水平优于对照组(P<0.01),而升高ALT,AST, CK 的副作用较对照组低(P<0.05)。结论:血脂康胶囊常规剂量不仅有效调脂而安全,并且有一定的抗氧化及抗炎效果。
      Objective: To study the Capsule Xuezhikang effect to coronary heart diseases about anti-oxidant and antiinflammatory. Methods: 64 cases with coronary heart disease and lipid disorders are randomized into two groups:group A (32 cases) and group B (32 cases), while the group A take Capsule Xuezhikang with the dose is 600mg,BID for 8 weeks. The group B take lovastatin with the dose is 40mg qd . To detect and analysis the level of plasma ALT,AST,CK,OX-LDL,CRP and SOD. Results: Capsule Xuezhikang can decrease the level of plasma TG,CHOL and LDLwhich is better than the control (P<0.05); and it can also decrease the level of plasma OX-LD and CRP which is better than the control(P<0.01); The level of plasma SOD in group A is higher than that of group B(P<0.01);The group A has lesser side effect on increasing the level of plasma ALT,AST and CK than that of group B(P< 0.05).Conclusion: Capsule Xuezhikang can not only effectivly regulate the level of plasma lipoid,it can also against oxidant and inflammatory.
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