Article Summary
Observation on the effects of Bicyclol on high aminotransferaseof chronin hepatitis
中文关键词: 双环醇片  高转氨酶血症  疗效观察
英文关键词: Bicyclol  High aminotransferase  Observation
Author NameAffiliation
YU Sheng, ZHU Jun-feng, LI Yong 上海中医药大学附属市中医医院消化科 
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      目的:观察双环醇片治疗慢性肝炎高转氨酶血症的临床疗效。方法:选择住院或门诊慢性肝炎高转氨酶血症患者280 例,随 机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组141 例,对照组139 例。治疗组在常规保肝治疗的基础上加用双环醇片25m 每日3 次口服,对照 组在常规保肝治疗的基础上加用甘利欣胶囊150mg 每日3 次口服。疗程均为4 周。治疗前后每周详细记录患者症状、体征、肝功 能、肾功能、电解质、及血尿常规,同时记录治疗过程中的不良反应及停药后随访3 个月。结果:两组均有显著疗效,肝功能生化指 标与治疗前相比有显著性差异(治疗组P<0.01,对照组P<0.05),治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.05),且治疗组出现的不良反应明 显少于对照组。结论:双环醇片治疗慢性肝炎高转氨酶血症疗效好,不良反应较少,值得临床推广。
      Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Bicyclol on high aminotransferase of chronic hepatitis. Methods: In-patient or out-patient hospital chronic hepatitis patients with hyperlipidemia high aminotransferase 280 cases were randomly divided into treatment and control groups, the treatment group 141 cases, 139 cases of the control group. In the conventional treatment group on the basis of protective and treatment plus a daily Bicyclol 25mg tid po; the control group in the conventional treatment of liver protection on the basis of protective and treatment plus a daily glycyrrhizinate capsules 150mg tid po. Courses are four weeks. Detailed records of a week before and after treatment in patients with symptoms and signs, liver function, kidney function, electrolytes, and hematuria conventional, and treatment records in the process of adverse reactions and follow-up after stopping three months. Results: The two groups were significantly effect, biochemical indicators of liver function before treatment compared with a significant difference (treatment group P <0.01, control group P <0.05), the treatment group was significantly better than the control group (P <0.05), the treatment group and the adverse reaction was less than the control group. Conclusion: All kinds of chronic hepatitis high aminotransferase treated with the bicyclol not only has the safety, affirmative advantage in curative effect, but fewer adverse reactions, deserve the clinical expansion.
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