Article Summary
马寅姣1 邹秉杰1 王建平1 周国华1,2.基于核酸侵入反应的生物分子检测技术的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(12):2384-2388.
Advances in Bio-molecular Diagnostic Assays Based on Invasive Reaction
中文关键词: 核酸侵入反应  5' 核酸内切酶  Flap 内切酶  信号扩增
英文关键词: Invasive reaction  5' Endonuclease  Flap endonuclease  Signal amplification
基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金(No. BK2010111) ; 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21005088)
Author NameAffiliation
MA Yin-jiao1, ZOU Bing-jie1, WANG Jian-ping1, ZHOU Guo-hua1,2 中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院 
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      核酸侵入反应是由5' 核酸内切酶或flap 内切酶催化的,能够识别切割核酸片段形成的特异性结构的一类反应。近年来发展 了很多基于该反应的生物大分子检测技术,能够对DNA、RNA、miRNA 及蛋白质进行高灵敏、高特异性的测定。这些技术大都无 需扩增待测靶标,极大地降低了扩增产物交叉污染的风险,在临床检测中具有很大的应用前景。本文对这些检测技术的原理及应 用作简要综述。
      The invasive reaction is catalyzed by 5' endonuclease or flap endonuclease, which can recognize and cleavase a specific structure formed by oligonucleotides. Recently, numerous newly techniques based on invasive reaction have been developed to detect biological molecules, such as DNA, RNA, miRNA and protein, with a high sensitivity and specificity. These techniques do not depend on target amplification, so the risk of cross-contamination decreased significantly, and it show great potential in clinical diagnostics. This article gives a review on the principles and applications of these developed assays.
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