Article Summary
李彦媚1 赵喜红2 徐泽智3 徐振波4,5.金黄色葡萄球菌引起食物中毒的作用机制与其耐药性的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(14):2786-2792.
Development of Staphylococcus Aureus in both Food-Borne Pathogenand Antibiotic Resistance
中文关键词: 金黄色葡萄球菌  食品安全  细菌性食物中毒  肠毒素
英文关键词: Staphylococcus aureus  Food-borne bacteria  Antibiotic resistance  MRSA
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yan-Mei1, ZHAO Xi-hong2, XU Ze-zhi3, XU Zhen-bo4,5 广州医学院 
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      葡萄球菌广泛分布于自然界中,如空气、土壤、水以及物体的表面,在人和动物的皮肤表面部、鼻咽、肠道也常可发现葡萄球 菌。大部分葡萄球菌是非致病菌, 少数可引起人或动物致病,金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,金葡菌)即为最主要的致病 性葡萄球菌。金葡菌是一种革兰氏阳性球菌,是医院感染常见的病原体之一,同时也是引起食品污染和细菌性食物中毒的一种重 要细菌,其产生的毒素可使人中毒,带来非常严重的公共卫生负担。本文拟对金葡菌的病原与病理学特性,金葡菌与食物中毒,抗 生素滥用与金葡菌耐药性等方面做简要综述。
      Staphylococci strains are widely distributed in nature, including air, soil, water and many other things, such as the skins of animals and human beings. Most of these organisms are non-pathogenic, however, some of them can also cause very severe diseases, of which, Staphylococcus aureus is the major one. Food samples contaminated by this organism will decay rapidly, in the mean time the a toxin named enterotoxin, which is produced by S. aureus, would result in severe food poisoning in human being and remains a leading reason for food-borne contamination. This study aims at giving a brief introduction to the development of S. aureus in the field of both food safety and antibiotic resistance.
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