Article Summary
Standard Treatment of Asthma in Primary Hospitals
中文关键词: 哮喘  基层医院  规范化治疗
英文关键词: Asthma  Primary hospital  Standard treatment
Author NameAffiliation
LI Bao-duan, LIAN Yan-min, FENG Zi-yan, ZHANG Yan, TIAN Xiao-jie 山东省鄄城县人民医院 
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      目的:了解临床工作实践中支气管哮喘防治指南(GINA 方案)在基层医院的实施情况及遇到的问题并提出今后解决办法。 方法:对门诊及病房住院的患者进行调查研究,采用统一设计的表格、问卷及必要的检查,对结果进行统计和分析。结果:正规治 疗与非正规治疗的患者的花费情况具有明显差别,差异具有统计学意义。当地91.2%支气管哮喘曾经误诊为慢性支气管炎。治疗 不规范,曾吸入激素治疗的占全部患者的18.1%,曾经和正在口服私人配制的平喘药物(粉剂或胶囊)的占65.8%;病情复发时给 予输液、利用抗生素治疗的占73.6%;给予大剂量激素、不规范治疗(包括长期用激素治疗、不逐渐减量)治疗的78.7%;结论:当地 哮喘治疗还存在很多问题,形式非常严峻,有待于进一步加大GINA 治疗方案的推广。
      Objective: To find the problems of clinical practice guidelines in the prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma (GINA program), and propose solutions in the future. Methods: Clinical patients and patients hospitalized were researched. A unified design, questionnaires, examination necessary statistics and analysis of asthma were formed. Results: There was a significant difference between the cost of the formal and the informal treatment of patients, and the difference was statistically significant. 91.2% of bronchial asthma had been misdiagnosed as chronic bronchitis. The treatment was not standardized. Inhaled corticosteroid therapy has been accounted for 18.1% of all patients. Patients who have had private oral drug (powder or capsules) accounted for 65.8%; 73.6% of recurrence patients were given antibiotics.The large doses of hormones, non-standard treatment (including long-term use of hormone therapy, no gradual reduction) in the treatment of 78.7% in patients. Conclusion: The local treatment of asthma have many problems still, and the situation is very severe. So programs of promotion of GINA need to be increased in the local health system.
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