Article Summary
The Analysis Syndromes and Treatment of Insomnia in ChineseTraditional Medicine
中文关键词: 失眠症  流行病学  症状特征  证候特征  治疗
英文关键词: Insomnia  Symptom characteristics  Syndrome characteristics  Treatment
Author NameAffiliation
WU Guan-ru, LI Feng 北京中医药大学基础医学院 
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      失眠症是指持续相当长时间的对睡眠的质和量不满意的状况,可引起精神无法集中、思考能力减退、警觉力与判断力下降、 免疫功能低下、内分泌紊乱等,还与感冒、抑郁症、糖尿病、肥胖、中风、心脏病和癌症的发生有关。现代社会,随着生活水平的提 高,体力劳动减少,脑力劳动增加,工作及精神压力日益加重,很多失眠患者情志不畅的表现尤为突出。经过临床观察,我们发现 五脏气机失调在失眠症的辨证论治中占有主导作用,因此对失眠及失眠症的研究与治疗就成为重要课题。
      Insomnia refers to a long period of sustained quality and quantity of sleep are not satisfied with the situation, which can cause inability to concentrate, diminished ability to think, strength and sense of alertness decreased immune function, endocrine disorders, but also with the flu, depression Disease, diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart disease and cancer occurrence. In modern society, with the improvement of living standards, reducing manual labor but increasing the mental labor, to many stress is coming around us. Patients with insomnia are particularly prominent, through clinical observation, we found that the five internal organs with qi are imbalanced in a dominant role. This research is under the base of review literature genealogically, study with epidemiological method, assessment scale evaluation, to investigate the comparison of symptoms, syndrome and recurrence factors in insomnia patients, therefore, insomnia, and insomnia research and treatment has become an important issue.
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