Article Summary
Application of Improved Gastric Intubation in Nursing of Coma Patientswith Tracheotomy
中文关键词: 改良胃管置入法  昏迷气管切开病人  应用研究
英文关键词: Improved Gastric Intubation  Coma Patients with Tracheotomy
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Yu-hong, HE Ji-dong, WANG Xin, ZHANG Ya-ming, WANG Meng, WANG Sheng 解放军海军总医院 
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      目的:探讨改良后胃管置入法在昏迷气管切开病人护理中的应用。方法:患者采取平卧位,保持头部、颈项、躯干在同一水平 线上。置入胃管之前,先清理口、鼻、气管内分泌物。根据患者情况,选择合适型号硅胶胃管。操作者量好胃管置入长度后,用液体 石蜡充分润滑胃管,左手托住胃管后端,右手持镊子夹住胃管前端,沿一侧鼻孔鼻中隔缓慢插入到合适距离,固定胃管。胃管末端 连接注射器抽吸,如有胃液抽出,表示已插到胃内。结果:所有病例,均采用此种方法。24 例病例中,一次性操作成功18 例(占 75.0%),4 例(占16.7%)病例应用此法两次后成功置入胃管,2 例(占8.3%)患者应用传统昏迷病人胃插管术三次均未获成功,改 用此法后一次即成功。结论:改良胃管置入法操作简单、实用、安全,在昏迷气管切开病人护理中是促进患者早日康复的重要措 施。
      Objective: To explore the applying of improved gastric intubation in the nursing of coma patients with tracheotomy. Methods: Patients were supine, keeping the head, neck, trunk, at the same level. Gastric tube inserted before cleaning mouth, nose, and tracheal secretions. According to patient condition, select the appropriate type silica gel tube. The operator measured the length of insert tube, fully lubricated gastric tube with liquid paraffin, hold the tube back left, hold the tube front right, slowly along the side of the nasal septum into the right nostril distance, and fixed tube. Syringe suction tube end connections, if any juice out of that is plugged into the stomach. Results: All the patients were in this way. 24 cases, the one-time operation is successful in 18 cases (75.0%), 4 cases (16.7%) cases should be twice this method successfully implanted tube, 2 cases (8.3%) patients with gastric intubation traditional unconscious, three times have not been successful, after the time change this method is successful. Conclusion: Modified gastric tube insertion method in a coma patient care tracheotomy is simple, practical, safe, and important to promote measures for early recovery of patients.
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