Article Summary
田敏韩晓云王丽丽王小艳.超声检查颈动脉粥样硬化情况和肱动脉FMD 对稳定性心绞痛的价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2011,11(18):3518-3520.
超声检查颈动脉粥样硬化情况和肱动脉FMD 对稳定性心绞痛的价值
Stable Angina Pectoris :Evaluation of Ultrasonography in Detetion of CarotidAtherosclerosis and Flow-Mediated Dilation of Brachial Artery
中文关键词: 稳定型心绞痛  颈总动脉IMT  肱动脉FMD
英文关键词: Stable angina pectoris  Common carotid arterial IMT  Brachial artery FMD
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Min, HAN Xiao-yun, WANG Li-li, WANG Xiao-yan 长治医学院附属和平医院 
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      目的:探讨无创超声检查颈动脉粥样硬化情况和肱动脉FMD 对SAP 的价值。方法:将选取的65 例SAP 患者分为轻度狭窄 组、中度狭窄组和重度狭窄组,超声检测所有病例的肱动脉FMD 和颈总动脉IMT,并作Califf 危险评分和As 积分,分析观察指 标间的关系。结果:Califf 危险评分和As 积分都随着冠脉狭窄程度的加深而增大,且二者呈正相关(P<0.05);颈总动脉IMT 随着狭 窄程度的加深而增大,肱动脉FMD 则随着狭窄程度的加深而降低,二者呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:无创监测颈总动脉IMT 和肱动 脉FMD,可指导SAP 临床风险的控制。
      Objective: To explore the value of brachial artery FMD and common carotid arterial IMT in patients with stable angina evaluated by ultrasonography. Methods: We divided 65 patients with stable angina into mild stenosis, moderate stenosis and severe stenosis group. In all of cases, the IMT of common carotid artery and the FMD in the brachial artery were measured by ultrasouography. And their relationship were analyzed. Results: Califf risk score and As integral were obviously increased, aggravating with coronary artery stenosis, and there were positive correlation (P<0.05). Common carotid arterial IMT was obviously increased and brachial artery FMD was obviously reduced, aggravating with coronary artery stenosis. The two were negative correlation(P<0.05). Conclusion: It can control the clinical risk in SAP patients by noninvasive ultrasouography monitoring of brachial artery FMD and common carotid arterial IMT.
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