Article Summary
袁琴1 阚卫兵1△ 宋朋飞1 张隆1 王拥军2.大鼠膝骨关节炎滑膜细胞原代培养[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(2):253-255.
Primary Culture of Rats Synoviocytes with Knee of Osteoarthritis
中文关键词: 滑膜细胞  体外培养  膝骨关节炎
英文关键词: Synoviocytes  Culture in vitro  Knee Osteoarthritis
基金项目:上海市教委课题资助(08cz041);上海市教委高校创新团队课题资助[沪教委科(2009)6 号];
Author NameAffiliation
YUAN Qin1, KAN Wei-bing1△, ZHANG Long1, SONG Peng-fe11, WANG Yong-jun2 上海中医药大学.附属普陀医院伤骨科 
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      目的:建立原代培养膝骨关节炎大鼠滑膜细胞的方法。方法:取膝骨关节炎大鼠膝关节滑膜组织,用酶消化法消化、分离细 胞,用DMEM 培养液进行培养并传代,观察滑膜细胞生长状况、并用细胞形态学及细胞免疫化学鉴定。结果:用酶消化法培养膝 骨关节炎滑膜细胞,方法简单、成功率高、细胞形态典型。结论:单一的胶原酶消化法是一种有效的滑膜细胞原代培养的方法,可 以满足一般实验需求。
      Objective: To develop a digestive method to obtain rats synoviocytes with knee of Osteoarthritis. Methods: Rats of OA joint synovial layers were cut into small pieces and digested with collagenase. Cell suspension was cultured in DMEM containing 20% fatal bovine serum. Cells were identified by morphology and immunochemistry analysis. Results: The appearance of synoviocytes is typical and the method is simple. Conclusions: Single collagenase digestion is effective for isolation of synoviocytes, and can satisfy the general test requirements.
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