Article Summary
The Efficacy of Cryopreservation and Intrauterine Inseminationof Retragrade Ejaculation Sperm
中文关键词: 逆行射精  精子冷冻  人工授精
英文关键词: Retragrade ejaculation  Cryopreservation  Intrauterine insemination
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Xiao-hua, CHEN Dong-li, LIU Hua, WANG Chao-yun, ZHAO Bang-xia 郧阳医学院附属十堰市太和医院不孕不育专科 
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      目的:探讨逆行射精患者尿液中回收精子的冷冻保存及其在宫腔内人工授精(IUI)周期中的应用效果。方法:2008 年12 月 至2011 年1 月逆行射精患者共计7 例,嘱其按要求留取射精后的尿液,充分洗涤后实施液氮蒸汽法超低温精子冷冻,共冻存精 液标本14 人份。IUI 周期时将冻存精子解冻、优化后行宫腔内人工授精。结果:冷冻前、解冻后前向运动精子总数分别为(19.9± 10.4)×106 和(6.9±4.2)×106,存在显著性差异(P<0.05),解冻优化后前向运动精子总数为(2.6±1.7)×106,实施IUI 8 个周期,临床 妊娠1 例。结论:超低温冷冻会明显降低前向运动精子总数,但多次冷冻后一次复苏行IUI 可能是治疗逆行射精所致不育的一种 较为理想的方法。
      Objective: To investigated the effectiveness of cryopreservation for spermatozoa from the urine of patients with retrograde ejaculation and application in intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles. Methods: Seven patients with retrograde ejaculation were drinken sodium bicarbonate to alkaline urine before masturbating ejaculation. Collected the urine and fully washing,then cryopreservated the sperm by ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen vapor.17straws of frozen spermatozoa were prepared for later IUI cycle. The total number of forwardmovement spermwere calculated before and after cryopreservation. Results:There is significant difference in total number of forward movement spermatozoa between before and after cryopreservation [(19.9±10.4)×106 vs (6.9±4.2)×106, P<0.05].The total number of forward movement spermatozoa were (2.6±1.7)×106 after optimization. 17straws of frozen-thawed sperm used in 8 IUI cycles,and one gained clinical pregnancy. Conclusion: Cryopreservation probarbly decline the the total number of forward movement spermatozoa, but cryopreservated sperm several times for one IUI cycle is the feasibility way in the treatment of retragrade ejaculatived infertility.
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