Article Summary
Application of Grading Treatment Under Arthroscope in Patientsof Knee Osteoarthritis
中文关键词: 关节镜  膝关节  骨性关节炎  分级  治疗
英文关键词: Arthroscope  Knee joint  Osteoarthritis  Grading  Treatment
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Yu-hong, LIU Guo-zhu, SONG Yang, TANG Jian-min, LI Gui-heng, ZHAO Wei-liang 吉林省白城市解放军63850 部队附属521 医院骨外科 
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      目的:探索膝关节骨性关节炎关节镜下分期及治疗的临床意义及效果。方法:将74 例81 膝骨性关节炎应用自行设计的关 节镜下分级方法分为4 级,并分别手术进行术后疗效观察。结果:1 级21 膝,优良率100%;2 级23 膝,优良率78.26%;3 级25 膝, 优良率56%;4 级12 膝,优良率33.33%。结果Wilcoxon 秩检验,T=4.84,P<0.05,差异有显著性。结论:膝骨关节炎关节镜下分级, 对于关节镜治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效差异显著。有助于手术适应症掌握,规范程序,避免手术盲目性及不必要损伤。
      Objective: To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of grading treatment under arthroscope in patients of knee osteoarthritis. Method: 74 cases(81 knees)of knee osteoarthritis were devided into four groups according to our self-designed grading method under arthroscope,and to compare the results after arthroscopy. Results: The knees of Grade One to Four were 21,23,25 and 12.And the fineness rate were 100%,78.26%,56% and 33.33%, respectively. In comparison of the effective rate, there were significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusions: Grading under arthroscope in patients of knee osteoarthritis has positive therapeutic efficacy.
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