Article Summary
The Clinical Study of Rib Plate
中文关键词: 肋骨接骨板  内固定术  连枷胸
英文关键词: Rib plate  Fixation  Flail chest
Author NameAffiliation
LI Hua-jun, LIU Wei-liang, WANG Yong, XU Jian-hua, ZHANG Wei 陕西省汉中3201 医院心胸外科 
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      目的:探讨肋骨接骨板治疗外伤性连枷胸的方法和疗效。方法:将我院2008 年2 月至2011 年3 月收治的47 例外伤性连枷 胸患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。分为内固定组(肋骨接骨板内固定术)21 例和保守组(呼吸机气体内固定、加压包扎固定)26 例。对二组病例的恢复情况及并发症进行对照比较。结果:骨折全部骨性愈合,内固定组并发症发生率低于保守组(P<0.05) ,恢复 优于保守组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:肋骨接骨板内固定术治疗外伤性连枷胸安全可行,且术后并发症少,值得推广。
      Objective: To investigate rib plate treat of traumatic flail chest. Methods: In our hospital from February 2008 to March 2011 , 47 cases of traumatic flail chest patients were retrospectively analyzed. Into the fixation group (rib plate fixation) in 21 cases and conservative groups (ventilator gas fixation, compression bandage fixed) 26. On the recovery of two groups of cases and complications were compared. Results: All fractures healed, the incidence of complications in the fixation group than the conservative group (P<0.05), recovery is better than the conservative group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Rib plate fixation for traumatic flail chest is feasible and safe, and fewer complications, which is worth promoting.
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