Article Summary
Research Progress on Gene Copy Number Variations
中文关键词: 亚微观结构变异  拷贝数变异
英文关键词: Structural variations  Copy number variations
基金项目:国家重点基础发展规划项目(973 项目)(2007CB511903)
Author NameAffiliation
LIANG Yan, WU Jian-Xin△ 北京大学首都儿科研究所教学医院 
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      基因组结构变异分为两个层次:显微水平(microscopic)和亚显微水平(submicroscopic)。显微水平的基因组结构变异主要是 指显微镜下可见的染色体畸变, 包括整倍体或非整倍体、缺失、插入、倒位、易位、脆性位点等结构变异。亚显微水平的基因组结构 变异是指DNA 片段长度在1Kb-3Mb 的基因组结构变异, 包括缺失、插入、重复、重排、倒位、DNA 拷贝数目变化(copy number variation ,CNV),这些统称为CNV 或者CNP(copy number polymorphisms ,CNP)。对CNV 的研究能够帮助研究者建立遗传检测假 说,进而发现疾病易感基因,同时加深对表型变异的理解,为今后研究人类生物功能、进化、疾病奠定基础。本文主要从CNV 的研 究历史、分子机制、研究方法、研究意义等四个方面进行综述.。
      Two types of gene structural variations are defined as microscopic variations and submicroscopic variations. The genomic structure of micro-level variations that can be seen under the microscope mainly refers to the chromosome aberrations, including euploid or aneuploid, deletions, insertions, inversions, translocations, fragile sites and other structural variations. Submicroscopic structural variations include deletions, insertions, duplications, rearrangements, inversions, translocations or copy number variations (CNV) in large DNA segments (1Kb-3Mb). These are collectively referred as CNV or CNP( copy number polymorphisms, CNP). Researches on CNV could establish the genetic testing hypothesis, detect the disease susceptible genes, and understand the phenotype variations better. Besides, CNV would provide the basis for determining how genomic diversity impacts the biological functions, the evolution and human diseases. Here, we review the CNV research history, molecular mechanisms, related research methods, and the research significance.
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