Article Summary
Advance of Multispectral Imaging Application in the Biomedicine
中文关键词: 多光谱成像  生物医学;应用
英文关键词: Multispectral imaging  Biomedicine  Application
Author NameAffiliation
ZENG Wei-juan, LI Zong-huan, WEN Yin-xian, CHEN Hong-lei△ 武汉大学基础医学院病理学教研室 
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      多光谱成像(multispectral imaging, MSI)技术在生物医学可视化方面是一种新技术,它结合了两个已建立的光学模块:成像 学和光谱学。它的原理是基于液晶可调谐滤光片,从可见光到近红外波长(400-970nm)区域获取多光谱图像。自从MSI 系统加上 显微镜商品化以来,MSI 已经成为一种快速发展的领域,可应用于细胞生物学、临床前药物开发和临床病理学等。国外已有大量 关于MSI 在生物医学中应用的研究报道,但国内报道少见。本文主要对多光谱成像的基本原理,近三年内该技术在生物医学领域 的应用进展作一简要综述。
      Multispectral imaging (MSI) is a novel approach in biomedical visualization that combines the advantages of two established optical modalities, imaging and spectroscopy. multispectral images are acquired in visible and infrared wavelength region (e. g. 400-970 nm) with setups based on Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters (LCTF). Since MSI system coupled with microscopy are commercially available, MSI has been a rapidly growing field with applications in cell biology, preclinical drug development, and clinical pathology. Research on MSI application has been reported in the foreign country, but rare in China. This article focuses on the basic principles of MSI, a brief review on progress of multispectral imaging application in the biomedical field from the last three year's references.
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