Article Summary
Thyroid and Breast Surgery Patients Preoperative Anxiety Level andPersonality Characteristics Analysis of Postoperative Recovery
中文关键词: 甲状腺乳腺病人  焦虑水平  人格特征  术后恢复
英文关键词: Patients with thyroid and breast  Anxiety level  Personality characteristics  Postoperative recovery
Author NameAffiliation
FU Wei, HUO Wei, GAO Wei, ZHOU Fang-hui, WANG Jing, CUI Yan 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一临床医学院 
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      目的:探讨甲状腺、乳腺患者术前不同程度的焦虑水平及人格特征对术后恢复的影响。方法:选取我院普外科2010 年7 月 --2011 年7 月甲状腺乳腺手术病人1500 例,采用焦虑自评量表SAS 进行焦虑程度评估,采用卡特尔16 种人格因素测验(16PF) 对患者进行人格特征测定。结果:甲状腺、乳腺患者术前焦虑水平与术后并发症、卧床时间、住院时间、心理适应、镇痛药使用次数 五个指标存在关联性,P 均<0.05;甲状腺、乳腺患者术后恢复状况与O(忧虑性)、Q4(紧张性)、I(敏感性)、C(稳定性)及A(乐群 性)呈现相关性,P 均<0.05,与其它因子均无相关性。结论:患者术前焦虑水平及人格特征对术后恢复有一定的影响,护理人员要 及时了解患者的心理,及时给予调节和治疗,使患者以积极的心态顺利度过围手术期,保障住院患者的安全,促进患者康复和预 后。
      Objective: To investigate the effect of the thyroid and breast preoperative anxiety level and personality characteristics on postoperative recovery. Methods: 1500 cases of thyroid breast surgery patients were chosen , SAS was used for self-rating anxiety scale assessed anxiety, Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Test (16PF) was used for personality characteristics of patients determination. Results: Thyroid and breast preoperative anxiety and postoperative complications, bed time, hospital stay, psychological adjustment, the number of analgesic use five indicators of association, P <0.05; Thyroid, breast, and postoperative recovery of O (anxiety), Q4 (tension), I (sensitivity), C (stability) and A (Lok Kwan) showed correlation, P<0.05, but they were not correlated with other factors. Conclusion: Preoperative anxiety and postoperative recovery of personality characteristics have an impact on the nursing staff to keep abreast of the patient's psychological adjustment and timely treatment of patients with a positive attitude to survive the perioperative period to ensure the safety of hospitalized patients and promote patient rehabilitation and prognosis.
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