Article Summary
The Clinical Effect Comparison of Hot Gutta-Percha Filling and ColdGutta-Percha Lateral Condensation in the Teeth Root Canal Filling
中文关键词: 热牙胶充填  冷牙胶侧方加压  根管充填  临床效果
英文关键词: Hot gutta-percha filling  Cold gutta-percha lateral condensation  Teeth root canal filling  Clinical effect
Author NameAffiliation
QI Mei, NIE Bin, ZHANG Ai-ling, JI Tao, BU Jiang 新疆乌鲁木齐市口腔医院特诊科 
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      目的:比较热牙胶充填与冷牙胶侧方加压在根管充填中应用的临床效果。方法:选择62 例急性牙髓炎和根尖周炎患者,均 分后分别选择热牙胶充填与冷牙胶侧方加压的方法进行根管充填,比较两组患者根管充填时间、术后牙周疼痛病例和术后3 个 月后充填质量及临床疗效。结果:两组患者术后牙周疼痛病例比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);其余各方面比较,差异均均有 统计学意义(P>0.05),热牙胶组优于冷牙胶组。结论:临床进行根管充填治疗时,应首选热牙胶充填的方式,可显著提高临床疗 效,且不增加患者术后牙周疼痛的发生。
      Objective: To observe the clinical effect of hot gutta-percha filling and cold gutta-percha lateral condensation in the teeth root canal filling. Methods: Collect 62 patients with the acute pulpitis and apical periodontitis, they were divided into the hot gutta-percha group and the cold gutta-percha group, then compare the teeth root canal filling time,the postoperative patients with the periodontal pain,the filling quality and the clinical effect after 3 months. Results: There was no statistical significant (P>0.05) in the postoperative patients with the periodontal pain,there was a statistical significant (P<0.05) in the remaining aspects,the hot gutta-percha group's clinical effect were better than the cold gutta-percha group's. Conclusion: We should use hot gutta-percha filling in the teeth root canal filling first,it could significantly improve the clinical effect and did not increas the incidence of postoperative periodontal pain.
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